• Update at 26 days old

    He has upgraded to being a koala lately! Since my last update a week ago, I have since moved Jerry back into the cot and he sleeps there on all occasions, except the times where I am in the bathroom or expressing milk. He goes into the rocker during those brief moments or the sofa, but briefly. I didn’t blog about it in fear of jinxing it, but I think he’s pretty ok these days. His heat rashes has since cleared up quite a bit, but he has developed some fungi rash (!) at some other parts of his body! He is still peeling like a snake so the pd…

  • of party woes

    i really should have known better. after all, i organized that many events in my job but i didn’t do any prep work for the full month party until it was wayyyyyyy too late. *sigh* ok. it was also coupled with the fact that it was major adjustment on my end with my new role as a mother grappling on all baby-related issues, rolled together with all-time fatigue that i am feeling. man, it’s exhausting. besides, the man aint helping. he left everything to my device, didn’t help source or suggest anything at all (other than to provide the defacto venue suggestion) and didn’t give much comments even when presented…

  • am boiling mad.

    i think my son is drunk on milk. i really had enough of my mum stuffing milk into my son’s mouth ALL THE TIME. she is doing what, hourly feeds?! and she does it quietly without letting me know even though i am in the same house. just because i am in my own room and not in the sight of the baby all the time. and now, the damn baby is cranky the entire afternoon and refuses to be soothed and i don’t know what is wrong because my schedule/routine is all messed up by my damn mother. her words changes every damn day and i really had it…

  • Lesson learnt.

    Never ever leave any personal documents or pictures in other people’s laptop, even if it’s your own husband. Must delete everything. Well, I haven’t been meddling with photoshop for a long time since my netbook came along 2 years ago. The netbook fast became the light thing to lug around and my laptop kinda became obsolete. I subsequently found it too slow and frustrating to use! Just yesterday, I borrowed my husband MacBook pro to crop and edit a picture for some travel documents and left the file on his desktop and guess what I found him doing couple of hours later?! Very nice. (%*+~!|*~%\*|$@”#) And he renamed the file…

  • Happy news (food wise)

    After like what seems like forever and ever, the monkey me finally went nuts over bananas. Yay! Feels so good to sink my teeth into these yellow mushy stuff. I swear I could eat 2 bunches at a go. By the way, in case you are curious.. I am born in the year of monkey. Well, went to the doc’s last Saturday and while battling the long queue, hubby and me went to eat breakfast.. After 10 months of deprivation, I have never been happier to slurp these down. Heh. Pure bliss. Ok, after that it was torture because the hollicks was sooo thick and sweet, I almost died of…

  • Bugging me at the back of my mind.

    If there is ever a reason that I want my confinement to end like right now, it’s my bathroom. I.can’t.wait.to.give.it.a.good.scrub. It’s depressing. Seeing the gaps between the tiles turning yellow/brownish, and not being able to do a shit about. (ok, unless I boil tonnes of water and use that to wash the toilet but that’s totally crazy). Well, I could also wear boots and gloves to wash the toilet and scrub it clean but I think I will (1) get hell from my mum and (2) get depressed all over again the next time I bathe. The herbs water that I use to bathe stains my tiles, and of cos..…

  • A quick update.

    Guess what?! I have mastered the art of sleeping through my baby’s cries! Nah. I’m joking, but fatigue had me so bad, I heard the cries but simply didn’t have the strength to even pull myself out from bed. I guess all that late nights, intermittent sleep and stress has overwhelmed me this morning that I just slept and slept. I did crawl outta bed for an hr for my massage (my mum screamed at me like 10 times before I struggled to wake cos the massage lady is here, only to doze off during the massage), and promptly after.. Collapsed in bed again. It was as though I lost…

  • An encouraging quote.

    Think of your baby as the bearer of a wonderful life challenge. After all, each of us has a host of lessons to learn in life, and we never know who or what is going to be the teacher. In this case, it’s your baby.Quote from Secrets of the Baby Whisperer. How apt. Anyway, thanks to hubby, I managed to do a 3-hr nap! Am still tired but much better. Why am I sucha a sleepyhead? Never seemed to be able to catch up with the sleep debt. Ok. Dinner time! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

  • ok. culprit found!

    meanwhile, i think all those little naps that i have taken during mid day.. and all those nights that my mum relieved me from taking care of the baby has been pushing the baby AWAY from me! der and me found out yesterday that… only my mum can soothe Jerry! when he fusses and we tried to soothe him, he gets from irritated to major rage, howling the house down and nothing, nothing that we do can soothe him. then comes my mum. she just plonks the baby on her chest (koala position) and the baby goes quiet within seconds. how can that be?! and now, i am beginning to…