• Checked off items on bucket list!

    My blog has been quiet. But my life has been anything but boring. In fact, I have been so busy that I neglected the blog as a result. I sometimes do wonder if people read this anymore. Leave me a comment if you do.. it will definitely spur me to blog more! So, I have clocked up quite a bit of adventures in recent months…. Taiwan, Amsterdam, Cologne, Macau, Korea, USA  and I can’t wait to blog about them. I really need to find the time amidst my work and parenting duties. And then, I was looking through my bucket list items today and realised I checked off quite a few! Here’s what I…

  • Things Jerry say #28 – Ah! I know!

    So Jerome has been rather expressive and talks a lot more fluently lately. It is somewhat a joy to hear him speak in proper sentences and explaining himself at times.. Last night, a hilarious exchange happened. Jerome had a bag of bread bits which he treats like a bag of treasure. This kid loves his food and is forever eating non stop. One moment, the bag was full and the next moment, he has only 2 pieces left.. Jerome: Mummy! I got 2 pieces left. One for you and one for me. Mummy: Oh, that’s very nice of you. Thank you! Jerome: *Flashes a smile and goes on with doing his stuff* I headed…