Love Confessions on Live Great TV.
Today, I am going to share a video! It’s titled “Love Confessions Episode 3” and it’s done for Live Great TV. It features my little family, together with the family of another mummy blogger, Maggie Quek. In it, my husband and me answers some questions about parenting, and there is a kids’ interview too and hear what Jerry has to say!
In the year 2014, one of my goals for the blog was to start doing video content. Why, you might ask. Because truth is, I ALWAYS struggled with talking. I used to have stage fright and over the years, I very consciously try to overcome that. I am just simply too conscious about myself talking to the point that it causes my tongue to be tight and I can’t talk properly. But this only happens when there is a crowd, a camera pointing at me, or when I am uncomfortable in front of someone. Self-conscious. I know. So, in order to overcome this, I figured I need to do it. And do it often I should, in order to overcome my fear. I need to start somewhere, so that become a little challenge of mine.
So, no one know of this except a few friends but I thought about it all the time. Maybe I thought hard enough, and then, ta-dah! An opportunity came along to get me started. So, I did the first video for Shell FuelSave tips. It wasn’t smooth, I took a whole day shooting, I can’t speak properly, but I thought it was good enough as an first attempt. Then the OSIM commercial happened. I had to speak to the camera, in public, with shopping crowd audience. It was nerve wrecking but a fun experience nonetheless. This TV commercial plagues me till today because my friends are still talking about it.
I also attempted an instavideo which took me ages because indoor lighting is just bad! Video editing on my mobile phone is also something I don’t do at all so I had a hard time trying to crop it. The video ended abruptly. Haha. And then, there was the Gushcloud Christmas video that I filmed along with a whole bunch of other cool bloggers and there was a teaser that required me to talk. I was trembling when I shot this, because there were a lot of really cool & famous bloggers looking at me do it. -_-”
So yeah, I guess I did get started on video and I know it can only get better from now on. Everyone starts somewhere so you ahead and laugh at me. So here’s the last video that I shot last year, the love confessions. (P.s. My husband was somewhat tricked into this. He thought he was just going to be the prop in the video and he didn’t know he had to talk. )