2 weekends back, Jerry & I attended a parent-child cooking workshop with Nestle Koko Krunch and we had a lot of fun!! I’m quite the Koko Krunch fan myself since i was a kid (it was my favourite cereal and i would eat nothing else). And errm, Jerry now shares the same love for the cereal. Once i let him try a piece of it and he was forever hooked. #truestory
Needless to say, i was thrilled when i got the invitation for the cooking workshop with Nestle Koko Krunch!

We were a little late that morning, because the sleepyhead isn’t accustomed to me dragging him out of bed that early. I was a little worried since i didn’t prep any food except a bottle of milk on the way out (since it was a cooking session) and was really glad that the Nestle team had a breakfast spread prepped – Koko Krunch with a whole lot of fresh fruits and milk. Really nice of them and look at the face on my boy!

I discovered quite a few facts that i never quite knew about Koko Krunch. First thing first, Koko Krunch isn’t as unhealthy as we all think it is. You know how we always associate chocolatey stuff with sugar and sweetness and all, but guess what?

Nestle Koko Krunch is made of the goodness of whole grain wholesome wheat, contains calcium, iron , dietary fibre and 10 types of vitamins and minerals. It has also been awarded with the Healthier Choice Symbol (HCS) by our Health Promotion Board (HPB). Products carrying the HCS are lower in total fat, saturated fat, sodium and sugar. Some are also higher in dietary fibre and calcium compared to similar products within the same food category. This means Koko Krunch is a healthy choice for both adults and kids to take. Well, being a huge fan of Koko Krunch, it good news to know that! I have been watching Jerry on his intake of Koko Krunch because I didn’t want him to take too much.. but now, at least my mind is at ease (knowing it’s healthier). That said, my mantra is to take everything in moderation!
The other news is, Nestle Koko Krunch now has a new ambassador! It’s the popular MediaCorp Love 97.2FM producer-presenter, Ms Violet Fenying who is a mother-of-two and known for her ability to relate her experiences as a mother and connect with Singaporeans on topics on motherhood, health and family. Sounds like someone i could relate to very much?

Chef Nicole Loh then brought us through a demonstration of the recipes that we would be trying, with the help of Violet & her son. I was pretty excited to see what we can whip up with Nestle Koko Krunch!

Here, they are demonstrating the making of Crispy Grilled Cheese with NESTLÉ KOKO KRUNCH Sandwiches. Looks like it is a lot of fun to make! The end results looks yummy!

The team also demonstrated the making of healthy chicken nuggets crusted with Koko Krunch, I didn’t manage to take much pictures cos the active Jerry was starting to get restless with all the talk and no action. Heh.

Honestly, i was really excited to start cooking with Jerry! I have been wanting to do that with him for the longest time ever since we attended the cookie baking class at TOTT previously, but never quite dare to do it in the confines of our home. The husband has a real low tolerance for mess!
The shared recipe seems easy enough for Jerry to execute so we can’t wait to start!!

Oh. Jerry has this obsession with eggs and cracking them. He kept wanting to cracking the egg even though it was not the required ingredient for the first dish. I had a hard time trying to shift his focus from the egg to whatever we were doing! Funny kid right?

Check the boy out in action. He did most of it himself with little help from me except the operating of the stove, the melting of the butter and pressing down the sandwich to brown them. In fact, he did help with the pressing down but i think he didn’t have enough strength so i let him hold the pot the whole time but i did all the pressing without him realizing! Haha.

He is super happy that his bread looks pretty good and had a wry smile in the picture.. and then.. he couldn’t stop admiring the bread!

We went on the make chicken nuggets next and because it’s quite a messy affair – marinating of chicken and all, I didn’t take the entire process, plus…. my camera battery DIED on me. I know right?!
Anyhow, Jerry finally got to crack his egg and he was super happy about it. I don’t know about his obsession with cracking eggs but if he sees one, his first reaction would be to crack it! Errrmm, real eggs and chocolate eggs (kinder surprise type) alike! So, if he ever wanders into your kitchen… please keep the eggs away from him!

We popped the coated chicken nuggets into the oven to bake and we are done! We had a lot of fun cooking together. Jerry definitely enjoyed himself a lot. He was even stealing bits of Koko Krunch while prepping the food and it was hilarious for me to watch him at work. I also found that Jerry could take instructions a whole lot better now, wants to be involved in everything and is able to understand cause and effects of things. I also like that the place is kids friendly, the kitchen super kids friendly (induction stoves rock in that sense), and mummy didn’t have to worry much – no fear of them burning themselves and activities are very kid appropriate.
If you are keen on the recipes, you can find them here –> Grilled Cheese Sandwich with Koko Krunch Recipe & Chicken Nuggets with crusted Koko Krunch.
We went to clean ourselves up, and guess what the boy is up to next? He found displays filled with boxes of Koko Krunch and was super thrilled!

He grabbed a box of Koko Krunch and went around the kitchen clutching it dearly. He even found a jug of milk to go with it and insisted on bringing them home (told you he super loves Koko Krunch) but the icing on the cake has to be the Koko Krunch mascot! All the kids went ballistic when KOKO came out. Ok. Maybe not. A few of them was totally freaked.

We had a really enjoyable morning cooking as well as catching up with friends. A real pity that we were rushing off and didn’t managed to take pictures with all my other friends! Nonetheless, it was a great seeing some faces that i haven’t seen in a while.
By the way, if you are a fan of DJ Violet Fenying, she is having a birthday celebration this coming Saturday (12 Apr 2014) at Sakura International Buffet. More details of the party on her fb page. I’ll be there at her birthday celebration too, because my dear friends – Irene & Estella are going to be the hosts of the event. Totally looking forward!
Disclaimer: I was invited to the Koko Krunch parent-child cooking event and was not compensated for this post. All thoughts and opinions are of my own.