• My parenting style – empower the kids!

    I’m back on the blog again! 2 weeks into 2018 and I hope I am making good progress in “reviving” my blog. It’s rather random, adhoc posts for now but I figure I just gotta start somewhere after being rusty for so long! My thoughts today is about empowering my kids – teaching them to fish rather than to hand them the fishes when they are hungry. I have come to realise, that in this fast paced and stressful environment that we parents are in today, we often make the mistake of “doing” stuff for our kids without even thinking about the consequences, or even aware if there is any…

  • 15 things I’ll do differently in 2015.

    The month of January is GONE. How fast is that? Today, I am going to share 15 Things that I will be doing differently in 2015 as part of a blog train by Rachel of Catch Forty Winks. Had meant to share this earlier, but have been really busy at work, events, family functions as well as Jerome turning two, I reckon I needed a breather in between. With a new year always come new resolutions for most. I don’t really have the habit of making resolutions because I just want to live life happy and that’s pretty much my life’s motto. But, I always believe that people should improve themselves…

  • cherieladie, bucket list

    My bucket list – Living life to the fullest!

    Bucket list. As 2014 rolls along, i don’t intend to set any new resolutions for the year. I think my resolution is always the same, year on year – living life happy and to the fullest. What it really means to me is, being out there enjoying whatever that I am doing, trying new things, doing the things that I love, being with the people I love, and simply, loving everything that’s in my life. There are so many more things that I want to do/achieve in life, and I think i’m almost halfway through the journey, which is why I am going to try creating a bucket list instead.…

  • just sharing an article – 30 things to stop doing to yourself.

    Some time back, i shared about happiness and a video that a bunch of students did. today, i want to share about this article that i came across which spoke to me. there are a few of those pointers in there that really spoke to me. I think it applies for many of you out there too, so yup. here’s 30 things to stop doing to yourself, taken from where i first seen it and written by marcandangel. When you stop chasing the wrong things you give the right things a chance to catch you. As Maria Robinson once said, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but…

  • about happiness.

    this is a topic that i feel very strongly about. after living so many years (i almost revealed my age! HAHA) being a student, being in the work force, getting married, having kids… i just feel. nothing else matters other than happiness. i met this bunch of students with a lot of passion some time back in the course of my work. I could relate strongly to what they wanted to do, how much they felt for their final year project, and how, they wanted to make a difference. and here’s a video of their hardwork. and i was glad to have met them. they reminded me about happiness.  …