• Leia in Hospital

    Leia’s Birth Story…

    After almost 2 months, I finally found little pockets of time to work on a post about Leia’s birth story. Leia’s birth probably caught A LOT of you by surprise… I didn’t tell people about it (even close friends or relatives), and those people who knew were those that see me frequently. Even so, when enquired, I usually tell them I am fat (till they finally figure it’s not). And then I go “Tadah!” with this IG post on 24 Feb, 2018, about 5hrs right after I have given birth. What that also means is that this pregnancy is not documented, at least not on the social media front. WHY?…

  • My parenting style – empower the kids!

    I’m back on the blog again! 2 weeks into 2018 and I hope I am making good progress in “reviving” my blog. It’s rather random, adhoc posts for now but I figure I just gotta start somewhere after being rusty for so long! My thoughts today is about empowering my kids – teaching them to fish rather than to hand them the fishes when they are hungry. I have come to realise, that in this fast paced and stressful environment that we parents are in today, we often make the mistake of “doing” stuff for our kids without even thinking about the consequences, or even aware if there is any…

  • My Day in a Life Post – It’s Monday!

    Happy Monday! Today, I am going to share with you a snapshot of my entire day from morning till dawn, down to the minute details so you can too, can be a part of my very real everyday life. This particular day that I am recording here is last Monday, 20 April 2015. So enjoy! 6.45am: The alarm clock rings and I hit the snooze button. Today, I am feeling very tired because I slept at 2am the night before, doing chores around the house putting away mess while the boys are asleep. I snuggle close to Jerome (he sleeps between the husband and me) and take in his smell…

  • Jerome goes to the market!

    It’s going to be a picture spam of Jerome heading to the market with me while I was solo parenting some weeks back, more for the benefit of the husband who missed all these. I had to do the school run every morning to bring Jerry to school. The problem is, I also have to lug Jerome wherever I go, so this is the sight every other morning. Jerry’s school is actually near my mum’s place and not mine, so I shifted into my mum’s place (everyone is away travelling) to save myself from driving the 2 kids to and fro everyday.  Saved me a lot of time actually, but of…

  • My little boy, Jerome.

    Today is a day that I rejoice! Finally, the 3 weeks of solo parenting is OVER! The government returned my husband to me last night and even though I was stuck in a class till almost midnight, there is so much to be happy about! One of them is, of cos, moving back into my own home later today. Can’t wait. I miss my bed! While the solo parenting has been somewhat tough and extremely tiring, I got to bond a lot with my little kid, Jerome. He was stuck to me at the hip almost everyday when I was on leave for a week and boy, did we have fun!…

  • Things Jerry Says #21 – I am so proud of you!

    As a ftwm (full-time working mum), I often struggle between the responsibilities at work as well as the splitting my time between a mummy, a wife, a home maker, maintaining a blog and a whole lot more of responsibilities in between. I previously wrote about the struggles of being a ftwm here and here but today, I will tell you a conversation that tugged at my heart strings. One that makes me wonder if I should stop working and really spend time with the kid in his growing up years. There is just so many years that the kid needs you before they are off to explore the world and doesn’t…

  • Hitting a parenting low.

    I have been quiet on this space. A lot more quieter than I would like actually. These days, a lot of thought go through my mind. Some of which I have solutions for, some of which, I am completely helpless at. I think I am very good at doing one thing – just grit my teeth and just trudging on. The time doesn’t wait, and people just need to survive. Even though I am tired, the clock still ticks away. Even though I am sick from the lack of the sleep, the kids still need to eat/drink and interact with me. Even though I came home late and haven’t had…

  • Surviving as a FTWM.

    it’s 23.46pm right now and I’m on board a cab. On the way home from the office. I spent the entire night clearing out as much work as I can today because I’m jetting off tomorrow, and tomorrow’s schedule at work is horrid. I only have 30 mins to spend at my desk for the entire day, and would be shuttling in and out of meetings non stop. I reckon I won’t get any work done tmr and want to clear them all out as best as I can before i can go home and pack for my trip tomorrow. I have a donut in my bag, meant for my…

  • I’m wrong. So so wrong.

    So I got it all wrong. I don’t know if I ever mentioned this before. . But jerry has got this really irritating habit when he sleeps. He likes to climb on top of me, my legs, my butt and just wedge himself at any corner or nook that he can find between my body/arms/legs and all if he is co-sleeping with me. It’s bloody irritating to me because I cannot sleep with him pressing down on me! At all! He hasn’t been co-sleeping much with me now that we are staying in our own place, but I sometimes find him on my bed in the mornings. He wakes in…

  • Why I Breastfed for…. 13 months (Part of a Breastfeeding blog train series)

    Today, I am going to share my breastfeeding story, particularly, my first breastfeeding experience with my first born. I don’t believe I have ever shared it previously (read my previous breastfeeding related posts here), because I didn’t really have it easy, and its pretty much a raw, sensitive story that right up to this point where i’m drafting this post… I don’t know where to begin. Like all new mums, i read up a lot about breastfeeding prior to giving birth. I faithfully attended antenatal classes, and so ready to embrace the breastfeeding journey.. and all I did, was…breast(milk)feeding. Through a bottle. I know right. Maybe i am not even qualified to…