Things Jerry Says #19 – But it’s just TV!
The family were hanging around in the living room one night, and the TV was on with National Geographic channel being turned on (I’m a huge fan of nature-related documentaries by the way). The scene was showing a tiger hunting its prey and devouring its prey and I thought I wanted to take the opportunity to educate Jerry while he was watching it.
Mummy (M): Jerry, look at that. What animal is that?
Jerry (J): TIGER!!!! (excitedly since he knows the answer)
M: [screen flashing tiger tearing off flesh of prey] What is the tiger doing?
J: He is eating the la-lamb… err.. i dunno… (trying to describe the prey but didnt know what it really is)
M: [unable to teach since I wasn’t paying attention to the programme prior to the conversation] Hmmm, he is eating the meat of the animal he caught… Do you think you can go near a tiger?
J: no, cannot..
M: Yes, cannot right? The tiger will eat you up, and tear of your meat with your teeth…
J: [ponders for a moment] But mummy, IT IS JUST TV!!!! Hahahah… [runs off to play with toys]
M: *scratches head in agony*
My dear Jerry,
Mummy knows that it is just TV that we are watching, and relatively unreal since it is a screen..but there are some things that are very real and true and not being near tigers for your own safety of not being eaten up is one of them. I know at your current age, you probably cannot tell the difference between documentaries and frictional stories as well as cartoons and probably thinks that the TV is only meant for entertainment – to watch transformers the rescue bots and umi zumi and everything is make believe. I hope you’ll grow up with the knowledge to know what is right and wrong, and what are the programmes that are beneficial and educational and will stop being so glued to the current ones that you have been exposed to (thanks to my mum and her constantly indulgence in your youtubing).
I won’t be expecting you to be like mummy, where each time i watch the tv, it has got to be a documentary or anything nature-related because I know it can be boring (daddy is often bored to bits) but know that there is so much you can learn on tv to build your knowledge and choose what you watch wisely.
P.s. your daddy is currently being hooked on his HK drama serials and it irritates me to no end when his eyes are glued to the screen and not giving a darn about you kids who are climbing all over the house and potentially in danger. Sigh. Men and their inability to multi-task. Next time don’t grow up to be like him and piss your wife off ok?
Love, Mummy.
Ok. I confess, the letter is not really meant for the kid. It’s meant to indirectly hint at the husband for his obsession over his dramas. Heh Heh, Heard of the saying – like father like son? The kids are exactly like their dad now! I’l leave them to sort it out on their own, because parenting takes two hands to clap (and whatever environment they are being placed in). I’ll rather spend my time being happy than to be upset over issues that I don’t quite have the control over, especially since I have done my part whenever I can. #chillmum
Don’t forget to check out the previous installments of Things Jerry Says on the blog too. See ya and thanks for reading!