the common comments….
why are you staying back so late everyday?
i noticed that you seldom blog these days…
you looked tired.
and i have hundreds of msn msgs blinking at me all the time, only to have me just keep closing them. mostly not replied. and nudges. all the time.
Grr. sometimes, its frustrating because while others want to do frivolous small talk during office hours.. i really cannot spare because i am trying to be a spider/octopus to do everything at the same time and moving at lightning speed.
at times, because of the frustration..i tend to snap at people to keep bugging me on frivolous things that are TOTALLY unimportant. i’ll just have to seek forgiveness for those whom i have often ignored.
like i said, the blog is the best indicator to see if im free. if i am, i will have more blog entries. not that i am FREE now, but it’s an exception now because it’s been a while and i need to take a breather before i kill my keyboard with my lightning fingers all over again.
ciao. and night.