perfect timing or bad?
at 4.30am this morning, i packed the boy off at the airport again. and while it’s the last day of the long weekend, it’s the start of a month of ‘independence’ and missing the boy. our flight schedules couldn’t have been more perfect (or not!). our schedules: HIM: 21 – 25 Sep – China HER: 26 Sep (2AM flight!) – 7 Oct – South Africa HIM: 7 Oct – 18 Oct – Italy, France, UK and so, we technically can meet and chill at the airport for a few hours on the days we are flying in/out. i cannot decide if i should be happy (YAY! we at least get…
the weekend.
these days, the weekend goes by in a flash! the weekend saw more jewellery shopping and it’s no where near improving things as per last weekend. i guess we are pretty decided on the kind of designs that we could consider, the specific ones and possibly customizing one side of it. his side. // friday night. the 3 musketeers go out to play. we popped by greenwood fish market and bistro. WOW! has it been ages since i last went there? the place expanded so much that I almost couldn’t recognise what used to be a cosy nook. and despite increasing the sitting capacity by 200%, they are still turning…
something short.
chanced upon my entries 2 years ago when i was searching for x.silly birthday. turns out, i didn’t manage to find it. i just remembered that i got him just a day before i headed off to phuket. the entries. they sound chaotic. they are mostly depressing. and confused. and then i look at myself now. 2 years on, i am just happy and glad that i made the choice. and i seriously feel so blissful. yes. work sucks (when does it not?) but other than that, i think i am happy. and i look forward to each day in contentment, knowing that someone would be there to shield me,…
Protected: it’s the 9 of september!
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the belated birthday dinner
this is where the boy brought me to for a belated birthday dinner celebration..
Protected: my first tears over the wedding
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going round and round.
right this moment, i am struggling to keep my eyes open. no blues to fight off, only tiredness. and for the first time in my life, my eyes are closing when i am driving. in bright sunlight. and it’s only the morning, but i have went around the island a couple of time. or rather, north to east, east to north and north to east again. confused? i started my day at 6.30am today. headed out to the airport to fetch der and the plan was to drive to the office after that and have der drive the car home himself. BUT!!!!!!!! the super blur me left the laptop at…
spending the day at home.
not talking about today, but my birthday. i was home the whole day and fb-ing away! the boy had to head back to work and i was so bummed out. guess the boy knew i was upset and halfway through his work, he was not feeling well and came home early. not before heading to the shops to grab a cake for me! but i knew he was up to something when i heard him come through the door from my room and he didnt turn up in my room within the next 10 secs like he usually would. and ya, gave him so brownie points for effort.. so, it’s…
Protected: 90909
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randoms in the early morning.
no, i’m not off to bed yet even though i should. there is just so much to do and so little time… got a feeling there are loads of heads nodding to this right now especially since the posts in lj these days seemed to have dwindled to quite a far bit and people hardly blogs (as much) anymore? i’m sure guilty too of that, even though i’ll really like to blog a lot more than i can. here’s a picture of the sick boy at the clinic. i can’t remember if he was visiting or i am. we have been frequent visitors of the clinic these days. and the…