the weekend.
these days, the weekend goes by in a flash! the weekend saw more jewellery shopping and it’s no where near improving things as per last weekend. i guess we are pretty decided on the kind of designs that we could consider, the specific ones and possibly customizing one side of it. his side. // friday night. the 3 musketeers go out to play. we popped by greenwood fish market and bistro. WOW! has it been ages since i last went there? the place expanded so much that I almost couldn’t recognise what used to be a cosy nook. and despite increasing the sitting capacity by 200%, they are still turning…
Protected: i really really hate it.
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cindy’s last day
the day came and went. cindy’s last day was filled with a lot of fun, great food and loads of natters and of cos, it ended really late into the night before all of us unwillingly parted. we had our last lunch together as colleagues. just the two of us at the cutesy little cafe with a pinch of salt in katong. love the place for it’s lovely decorations, cute illustrations all over and interesting quotes plastered all over the restaurant. even the windows had cute little stickers plastered over. i think the kids would love this place, with a piano set in the middle of the restaurant. i wondered…
while everyone is in bed…
i am surprised that i am still awake. a rarity these days especially when i am usually too knackered from work. and each night, i collapse in sheer exhaustion. my mind is not willing though my body could hold up. it just shuts down and i doze off into slumber land in secs. and i hardly could even turn on my laptop, or that i turn it on but collapse before it boots up. it’s been 2 days and i have been lunching at my desk with short 10 mins gobble-up-my-lunch-stunt since the departure of my lunch buddy. partly due to the sheer amount of work that i am rushing…
Protected: making some noise
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randoms in the early morning.
no, i’m not off to bed yet even though i should. there is just so much to do and so little time… got a feeling there are loads of heads nodding to this right now especially since the posts in lj these days seemed to have dwindled to quite a far bit and people hardly blogs (as much) anymore? i’m sure guilty too of that, even though i’ll really like to blog a lot more than i can. here’s a picture of the sick boy at the clinic. i can’t remember if he was visiting or i am. we have been frequent visitors of the clinic these days. and the…
a bunch of love from 心低。。
for my (coming) birthday. Wah.. i feel so lub lub!! without opening the box.. i guessed what the present is! well, it a good bit of cheer to my sicky day. yes. i was down with 38.5 degrees fever last night and i slept at 9pm till this morning. this morning, i thought i was well enough to work, and here i am with a mask and fighting the fever and cough the whole morning. it’s gonna be a Loooooooong day, figured i wont step out from here till at least 9.30pm. wish me luck.
the terrorist at work.
that’s me. in an attempt to make my cough better. and stop from spreading germs in the office. the quiet week that went past saw me coughing my lungs out, went on MC and slept the entire day, got slightly better and decided to head back to work prematurely, and then i felt like dying at work. dying from the bad cough. dying from the work (left office at 10+ last night). methinks its that i am really sick. sick of work (haha!). anyhow.. this morning, i cough so badly that i couldnt talk and i had to do something. when sucking a hacks and drinking warm water NON STOP…
the long awaited weekend.
last weekend was a long awaited weekend of mine.. with tickets to the SING DOLLAR! bought the tickets some months back and have been eagerly waiting for the DAY to come.. well, i woke up excitedly only to find the boy hot to the touch. stuff a thermometer into his mouth (38.5 degrees fever) and had to drag him out of bed and to the doc’s. and he had to give the show a miss. =( i was upset because we had wanted to watch it for the longest time, but the boy was adamant in staying home and not spreading the germs even with a mask on. of cos,…
up to some fun in the new office
with everything new here (new office, new sitting arrangement, new routines), the team also got some fun up our sleeves. i’ll call it the secret messaging board. it started with a nice map on who’s seated and which desk for easy navigation.. and it evolved! the “posting” still happens here and there, going into the 3rd day here. very soon, there will be no more space for writing. it’s quite funny reading the “exchanges”.