it’s friday. even tho i need to work tomorrow still, i declare today a happy day!
it’s one of those SUPER UBER rare days that i grabbed breakfast before i came. gor invented this plaster bread thingy 2 nights before and it’s yummylicious! he taught me how to make it and i tried making it last nite. wanted to take pictures to show, but too caught up on cooking and talking to mum. mum was trying to learn the skills from me while i was cooking. and this morning, she prepare ai xin plaster bread for me. woo hoo! Slurp! i chomped down the crispy bread while walking to…
havent been snapping away often these days. nothing interesting in my life actually. just the normal routine of work and home. meinu_yihui flew kite on me today, so the dinner date is off and i headed home in the rain at 5.45pm. there’s loads of work, but cos i am really tired and wanted to rest, i decided to head home early. here’s my desk a couple of days back, after i’ve set up the new computer and got all the wires/cables hidden. the new dell com at work is cranky, cos it gives out weird noises (and loud!) at times. i think something is wrong with the fan.
im am sipping HOT water and hopping mad. i think you are very inconsiderate with your comments and everyone does NOT have to do it your way. People do things differently and as long as the things gets done and the end result is the SAME, why bother tossing crude comments on others? do you NOT think of what others feel? and when u do something that appear so selfish and i comment about it, u shout at me as if i am the one in the wrong? i was just trying to tell you a fact, and hopefully, u can LEARN from it. instead, u just rebuked me with…
i got a new computer at work that is faster than my already-quite-fast computer back home, and i punched in at work at 8.29am this morning. that’s 2 things to keep me happy for now. i spent the whole morning migrating the files from my lappie into my new computer and im having a whole load of trouble with the mails that i have in outlook express. im seeing a whole lot of foreign error messages that i have never seen before and after troubleshooting it and managing to import them into the current computer, outlook express crashed each time i start. something is definitely wrong somewhere! shall tend to…
a short post before i begin the day’s work. the rain made me feel woozy and i didnt wanna get outta bed earlier. wish i could just sleep in. i reached work on the dot today, despite having a late night yesterday. punch card shows a black printed 8.30am. whee! feel so proud of myself! i found the stuff on my table askew. and my new eraser that used to be wrapped in plastic was being torn open and used by someone. i dont need to guess who. i guess that’s why i dont really like kids. super annoying. i have lost pens with stranded pen caps (yet to find…
last week.. jasmine got real bored without the internet connection in the office.. so, she draw drawings of us all in bits of recycled paper. winnie karen jean and lastly, me.. there’s another one for lisa, but i didnt scan it cos she’s downstairs while im up here. i am not that free to pop downstairs to grab the paper and scan it upstairs and returning it to her.. hee..
gloomy monday
im suffering from a headache. mainly cos i slept really late last night and woke earlier than usual, and i came to work earlier. just 5 min late. that’s quite an achievement i think, hee… but but, it’s annoying when i kena suan first thing in the morning when i reach my desk. sometimes, i would appreciate if you could just shut up and mind your own business. i dont need you to supervise over me alright? and then the horror.. my desk is in a MESS! paper chits everywhere.. with a kid’s drawings.. a tiny package which is later revealed as 2 little erasers, prob to make up for…
quick post
im shivering in the super cold server room at my office. trying to fix the internet connection in the office. obviously it worked, if not you wont see my entry. but, i got it to work for 1 terminal, not the entire network. a new router is very much needed. the batt in my lappie is draining away. managed to pop into the lj community and check.. oh good gawd. i missed out so much stuff! loads of friends’ entries waiting to be read. im extremely tired. after the ramblings of me yesterday not being to get out off bed in time.. i got outta bed today at 8am! shucks.…
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