i was clearing out some emails in my inbox and chanced upon an email from moomeh that’s full of pictures of a play date we went to. can’t remember if i posted this before, but i couldnt help but burst out laughing upon seeing this. Jerry had wanted to get closer to zach and ‘play’ with him, but zach has thought that he was going to snatch his train. doesnt situations like that always happens between kids? meanwhile, it has also dawned on me that my jerry has grown quite different now!
jerry’s new toy.
we spent Saturday at home just bumming around because it was raining so heavily and it was a good opportunity to wind down from all the rest of the activities we had from weeks before. and we let jerry open up one of this birthday presents as a treat. yes, we are still having the stash of birthday presents unwrapped and sitting in a corner of my room. we are rationing them slowly giving him one every alternate week so that it’ll last him a while without us buying new toys for him. (learnt the useful tip from ..thanks babe!) this is a self-fix Thomas the train that…
things to pack when travelling with a baby.
Am sharing what are the things to pack when travelling with a baby here! i usually do up a to-bring list before i start packing for all my trips and i guess it applies when it comes to packing for jerry when we were heading for kuching, his first flight out of a country. decided to document the list i have here and hopefully, it will be useful for other mummies who are intending to bring their kiddos abroad as a reference, as well as for my future reference. do take this as a rough guide since this list is uniquely catered to jerry (who is 14mths old) and his…
happy 14th month baby!
that was 2 days ago but the past month had whizzed by so fast, I realised I didn’t really take a lot of pictures! nothing much has changed the past month, you are equally hyperactive, if not more. you occasionally skip your afternoon nap and its been extremely tiring for everyone to keep up with your energy levels. mummy barely has anymore ‘me-time’! even blogging has taken a back seat because I’m constantly tired and spent. this month, you added ‘pa pa’ (scared scared) to your vocabulary list complete with actions of thumping your chest with your hand. your no. 1 item on that ‘pa pa’ list is…
good morning!
babies are such smiley things! they start each day with a smile.. funny how I thought I should learn that and embrace each day with a smile. how often do we open our eyes each day and.. frowns.. groans.. yawns and wish we could stay in bed longer. haha. I’m guilty as charged. meanwhile, I loving his funny expressions while tottering around the room! its sucha headache. what should I eat this morning? I think I’m having a bad hair day. we are waiting for him to finish his usual milk feed so that we can go for breakfast and start our touristy day. Posted via LiveJournal app for…
off for kuching vacation!
we are off for our short holiday, a kuching vacation! its jerry’s first flight experience and he’s been quite a trooper thus far, exploring everywhere. Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.
taking his weight.
jerry got plonked on the weighing machine at ny grandpa’s house in msia. the weighing scale is meant to weight fruits for sale. I plonked him there and he was quite happy to be so ‘tall’. meanwhile, the scales say he is weighing 8.8kg. this is my favourite picture yesterday. Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.
my way of keeping my hyper kid at bay.
I really don’t have the energy to catch up with him these days.. in a bid to keep his hyperactiveness at bay and still keep him occupied with some activity, I put him in the baby chair outside at the corridor.. and armed him with an apple. if possible, dress the baby in old clothes. my son isn’t in old clothes but he has been munching on the apple before that (he grabbed it from the coffee table himself and started munching on it before we realised what was happening) so I just let him be. look at the mess he created. but surprise, surprise! he devoured 3/4 of…
on this hot day..
some one is having an ice treat and loving it! I find it a good way to keep my hyper son rooted at one spot. nevermind that it is only the length of time an ice cube takes to melt. Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.
the gynae visit again.
the spotting didn't stop. the cramps are still present as well, on top of that.. I'm experiencing heart palpitations and it feels like I'm having an anxiety attack all the time. have been very worried about baby 2 so I had the husband bring me to gynae yesterday. thank goodness the heartbeat is still going strong. doc gave e a jab and loads of hormone pills for the next 2 weeks. I really hope baby will be ok. my precious baby. Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.