charlie’s corner
it’s been a while since i blogged about my lunches. I remembered that i used to do it frequently when i was still in the f&b industry, because that was what my life revolve around all the time, and nice lunches was the norm. these days, nice lunches are reduced to birthday celebrations or special occasions. we celebrated eyleen’s birthday 3 weeks back. what was supposed to be a seafood feast became a last minute change of plans as the promotion was over. so, we headed to the next best choice in the area – charlie’s corner @ Changi. very interestingly, we all had different food choices except a duplication…
the belated birthday dinner
this is where the boy brought me to for a belated birthday dinner celebration..
spending the day at home.
not talking about today, but my birthday. i was home the whole day and fb-ing away! the boy had to head back to work and i was so bummed out. guess the boy knew i was upset and halfway through his work, he was not feeling well and came home early. not before heading to the shops to grab a cake for me! but i knew he was up to something when i heard him come through the door from my room and he didnt turn up in my room within the next 10 secs like he usually would. and ya, gave him so brownie points for effort.. so, it’s…
randoms in the early morning.
no, i’m not off to bed yet even though i should. there is just so much to do and so little time… got a feeling there are loads of heads nodding to this right now especially since the posts in lj these days seemed to have dwindled to quite a far bit and people hardly blogs (as much) anymore? i’m sure guilty too of that, even though i’ll really like to blog a lot more than i can. here’s a picture of the sick boy at the clinic. i can’t remember if he was visiting or i am. we have been frequent visitors of the clinic these days. and the…
i got a dinner date!
for once, der actually bothered to date me! as in really send me a message and asked if i’m free for dinner.. sounds like a really natural thing right to do right? not when you are living in such close proximity like we do and i really don’t even remember him doing that since the first few months that we met.. to actually make a date. Whee! i’m looking towards dinner because it is supposed to be a make-up for my birthday, which unfortunately for both of us, he has fallen sick. i wonder where the nice dinner will be..
the mystery of the magnifying glass.
my birthday dinner.
i almost went into fits just thinking about it and i almost want to kick der for no grand birthday meal.. and of cos, i didnt do anything but SULK big time. and secretly hitting him with x.silly’s hands when he is sleeping! ha! revenge time. (evil of women’s heart my heart). i was totally totally being a total grump when der had to cancel his leave on my birthday and head back to work. and he didnt bring me out for a nice dinner. and he didnt buy me a cake. and i COMPLAINED big time to jen, sulking my night away and she say she’ll bring me out…
feeling much loved.
this morning, the reception called me and said i had a delivery even before my feet landed in the office grounds. Hmmm.. and i wonder what it was. (i dont remember any work related delivery that i had requested!) and this was what was waiting for me at the reception. cheery sunflower to cheer up my week! thank mich & jon! am really really thankful for the sweet gesture.
about the treasure hunt..
it’s a relatively easy hunt, but it was just tedious and coupled with the sickie me that’s coughing till my face turns green and grasping for air.. it wasn’t that fun after all. but seriously, i would have enjoyed it a lot more given pink health. and so, here’s all the clues and how i went around cracking them. CLUE 1 CLUE 2 CLUE 3
happy birthday to myself..
the world is wishing me happy birthday.. online, sms, msn.. and the boy is in dreamland (!@$%#!). thank you everyone. thank you.