• OSIM uShape Review

    I attended a OSIM uShape blogger event a month ago and everyone has been asking me about the OSIM uShape ever since i posted pictures of it on my social media platforms. Is the OSIM uShape good?  Is the OSIM uShape effective in losing weight? Does the OSIM uShape really help in toning?  Do you think the OSIM uShape is worth buying?  If you are reading this post, you probably have the same questions right? After using for almost a month, I’m ready to answer those questions. and in gist, my answer is positive! So, what exactly is the OSIM uShape? How can the uShape help in trimming fats?  OSIM…

  • trying to get fit..

    i finally got my lazy arse moving and started to take tiny little steps to introduce some fitness into my daily routine. simpy because, i cant quite stand the sight of my flabby tummy and its getting really hard to suck it all in these days.   so i hula-hooped! i wasnt able to leave the house for any exercise (i would love being able to do a run) since my mum cannot cope with the 2 kiddos so hula hoops sounds like a pretty good idea. i do them at the corridor (out of jerry’s sight) but near enough to hear if any help is needed (or trouble at…