• Eating a cupcake THE RIGHT WAY – a tutorial on how to eat cupcakes

    Yes. i mean it. I know right. How to eat cupcakes? You’ll be thinking, just open my mouth and eat. How else can i eat it? I found a great way to eat a cupcake and i think its fantastic. No more cream/icing smeared on your face or lips while at it. Clean, minimal mess and it got me thinking – why just didnt i think of it before?! You would like to know tooo? Yes? I brought home some cupcakes the other day. My favourite salted caramel and red velvet ones! The happy husband was really happy (actually he wasn’t because i only had ONE cupcake for him but…

  • Flashback Friday #4 – Have you seen a monkey with blue testicles?

    with a subject title like that, i must have caught your attention… haven’t i? a monkey with blue testicles! heh heh. I’m just going to share the most extraordinary monkey i have ever seen, while holidaying in Zambia, Africa a couple of years ago. one with blue testicles! really! see? i aint lying.. I know i sounded perverted, but they are really fascinating to look at (the monkeys, not just the balls) and of cos, i had to snap some pictures! I guess no one would believe me unless i have pictorial evidence right? My uncles who were on the same trip as me couldn’t believe their ears when i…

  • the lion roars!

    This morning, while the husband is waking jerry up for school, the little kiddo refuses to get out of bed. and in a split second, he decided to be a lion and do a lion roar in an attempt to scare the husband away. hilarious. just where, do kids get these ideas into their heads? the quick-handed husband managed to capture it on video so i loaded it up on youtube. i think this was a “replay” version. hilarious. so, hear my little lion roar! (complete with facial expressions and all). funny not? I hope you like it! Till, i blog again.. Cheers, Cherie   If you like what you…

  • the naughty Jerry.

    this looks like its jerry’s bath time, but it is actually not. it was one of those days where i was busy pottering around the house, doing some chores and my boy was unusually silent. silence with him around simply means he is up to no good. and yup, i found him in the toilet, madly pumping on my self-foaming kirei kirei handwash and foaming up his own head. I had to strip him down and throw him into a tub to wash off all that suds! Look at that face. i couldn’t decide if im angry or its totally funny. and honestly, i’m torn between calling him naughty or…

  • Jerry under the bolster

    conversations with the husband #3

    Conversations with the husband #3 after a super frustrating bedtime routine with a toddler who simply refused to sleep for > 2 hours.. my tempers were flaring and I really was on the verge of strangling him or giving him away to another family. I was so tired, super sick and I badly wanted to grab some rest. so after loads of struggles, cries, whines, disciplinary acts and hugging daddy’s leg. I ignored him for the longest time and he fell asleep.  in the above position, over my blanket but under my bolster.   daddy and I finally sat down to have dinner at close to midnight, packed his school…

  • Jerry is the gentleman.

    the other day when the fight happened, the husband and me were in discussion on the topic while strolling to the nearby mall to grab some necessities. and the husband went…. d: i think jerry is quite the gentleman. c: why? d: because… 君子动口不动手。 (literally translated as “the gentlemen uses his mouth instead of his hands” but meant to mean that the gentlemen would reason rather than fight) c: …… *roll eyes* d: ya what! he didn’t hit other people what. he bit the girl, so he used his mouth right? please tell me it’s a pain to deal with my husband sometimes. we sorta concluded that the fight must…

  • The funny kid.

    I was looking through my old phone relatively new but retired phone (HTC One X) through the cracked screen and was backing up the videos onto my youtube when i came upon this funny clip. We took this while grocery shopping at the mall one day. The kid was overjoyed with carrying our shopping, and REFUSED to let it go even though he was super tired and dozing off! he threw a tantrum every single time we tried to take the bag away. Hilarious! it’s one of our favourite videos of the kid, so i’m sharing this with all of you. enjoy. p.s. the video is taken a while back…

  • The husband always wins.

    [possible vulgar/dialect language ahead] The husband was bathing the baby earlier and required me to help. I was feeling lazy so I teased him about his capability.. You know, being an all rounder and wonderful hands on super daddy, but he insisted he would liked me to help. Me: you cannot do it yourself meh? D: no, I’m not as capable as you. I need you to help. Me: you very zhu eh! (I meant 猪/pig in this instance and trying to mock him of stupidity. It was also meant to be a pun because the husband’s surname is Choo /朱) 猪爸爸!猪爸爸! I chanted non stop during the time I…

  • my day.

    started at 4am. I jumped out of bed, hearing the toilet door slide open! all that greeted me was a cheeky baby that has climb out of his bed and headed for the toilet to have some water play (gunning for the toilet bowl). lucky for me that I am generally a light sleeper so I jumped out in time before he even got to it.   I nebulised him and gave him his medication and jumped back for a quick nap when my mum woke at 6am.. my happy baby in the morning. with a sweet and a wrapper. no. he isn’t allowed to eat but he knows its…

  • staying positive.

    after a rough week and some nerve-wrecking moments, and a lot of tears and angst.. i decided to start this week positive. i have to learn and remind myself on asking ‘what’ questions when a bad situation hits me, i.e what can i learn from this? I need to uplift myself for the next few weeks to tackle the biggest things in (my) life that’s happening. many thanks to the many concerned friends, encouragement and all. really am appreciative of everything and am very thankful about the angels that popped into my life. I really should blog about them soon. today was good in my books, i’m feeling chirpier, had…