yesterday, we were strolling along in mbs mall and suddenly der said, “hey, hey, look at the 小鸟!它一直在变(look at the small bird, it keeps changing)”. I stared and stared… and I could see no bird. I even scrutinised everyone walking pass to see if they were carrying a bird. no bird at all! me: 哪里有鸟? (where is the bird?)der: there! up there! me: looks up and sees the *chanel* logo blinking in intervals across the entire panel. grrr.. can I say this is NOT the first time he pulled this 小鸟joke on me????? totally not funny…………… ok lah, I admit. quite funny but SUPER IRRITATING!!!!!!! …
The labour day joke.
I played a cruel joke on my friends on twitterland. Those on my twitter would know! I tweeted some time in the afternoon.. Baby Jerry & me! Haha. That’s the baby Jerry I was referring to. =) I feel a little jealous of my baby, because the hubby readily buy ‘rubbish’ for his son-to-be and I somehow, I feel neglected! I want a present too and since mother’s day is coming, make it TWO! I’m day dreaming, I know. Please don’t slap me awake and maybe, my dream would come true?! (can someone PLEASE go hint my hubby?? Pretty please?!) haha. I wouldn’t mind a rolex, or a macbookpro, or…
the jokers
the movie date yesterday was jen was hilarious. we were rushing from the office to vivo for a quick dinner before the movie and most of the restaurants were sprouting long queues. we came to this thai restaurant with no queue and a big poster that says 15% off for standard chartered card members. j: do you have standchart card? c: have.. but err.. only debit, but you can only eat to a maximum of $50! j: why?! c: cos i only have $50 in that account.. j: what?! who on earth only have $50 dollars in their account? hahaha.. ok. to clarify.. that’s a account created so that i…
weiling asked me…
if you had only one match and entered a dark room where there is an oil lamp, a candle and some wood, which would you light first?
these came in my mail just moments ago. altho i cant read chinese for nuts.. i tot it was quite funny.