• Hop. Search. Unscramble with LolliBox

    Psssst… LolliBox is having a contest and giving away 5 Lollliboxes! Details at end of post!  I bought a pet cockroach from my recent Bangkok vacation for Jerry because i thought it was fun (yes, i do have a wicked sense of humour and its fake by the way. Made of plastic). I love nature and animals, insects and i think they are amazing. Cockroaches or not, they all have a life of their own and they are just surviving in this world, co-existing with us and this is something that i would like to impart that to my kids. The love of nature and the respect of every single life…

  • Lollibox Review (Feathered Friends theme)

    i’m having a little issue with accessing my blog from my house ip for the past 2 weeks, which is why i am a little silent. For ages, i thought livejournal was down but it was actually my home internet connection! It connects to everything (including my journal page) and the only page that’s down is my “post an entry” link and livejournal.com. It’s mad frustrating and driving me nuts all week! anyhow, i just found a work-around method. it works when i’m connecting to the internet using my mobile data via tethering. It’s friggin’ slow but at least it works so i guess i’ll make do for now. back…