feeling and being appreciative is an option.
this post is inspired by a close girlfriend of mine. she seemed to be rather unhappy about her marriage and sore with the husband and that ever since kids came along, the husband doesnt pay her as much attention as the kids and she feels neglected. so much so that she’s considering marriage counseling. i mean. that came as a shock to me. i know she does complains occasionally (com’on, who doesnt?!) but to consider going for marriage counseling speaks depths about her unhappiness. and i only found out because she read my blog posts and texted the husband to say that he’s damn sweet to me (with the recent…
[LJ2ME] He’s just not that into you.
Chanced into this book the other day and decided to buy n read it.. Since it was on offer n a deal not to be missed.. am reading on the train when I came upon this… listen, we all know that couple who’s been dating for five years..eight years and still hasn’t got married. We know it never works out well for that couple. So how about you stop waiting — and start looking for that guy who can’t wait to love you. I so can relate to this.
Protected: spring cleaning.
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Protected: 凌晨
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Protected: 在想你…
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Protected: realities
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浪痴的我。。喜欢听到有人说。。我想你。。 其实,那么一点点的用心就可以让我微笑。简单吗? 今天一点都不累。虽然会将是忙碌的一天。。今早的我会带着微笑面对。 [mobile post on bus @ upper serangoon]
Protected: feeling blah
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Protected: 又是雨天
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Protected: just some thoughts
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