• the afternoon view.

    here’s a shot of the afternoon view. I am totally loving my phone and the view. just for record, I have been good. I stayed in room the whole day except to buy lunch (had bread in the morning) and had Olympics on tv for.accompany. I tried to nap, but oh boy.. my phone kept ringing/beeping and it irritated the hell outta me. even the hubby got chided by me when he called like 4 times this afternoon. #firstworldpain   I mean, I know he meant well, so did everyone.else that beeped me.. but I was trying to nap! lol. so yeah, thank you.to everyone that poured their concern after…

  • life with a view.

    I am feeling poorly, both in health and mental being. visits to the doc has been frequent and today’s visit and a ‘procedure’ landed me with 4 days mc with 2 days of compulsory bed rest. no shopping, no marketing, no walking of long distance, no carrying of heavy stuff (my son included) and just complete rest.   knowing how stressful it can get at home with the hyperactive, sticky, superglue kid that I have, there is absolutely no way I can get any rest at all. the moment I reached home this evening after the visit to the doc, my mum declared that she’s too tired and immediately left…