Protected: The only wedding shoot picture.
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wise words
i have loads to do and i am feeling damn lazy now. especially since im plonked in my bed, hugging my plushies and just chilling. the full day of shoot really tires me. i can imagine how bad it is for my talents, because they were still on the set when i left… i couldn’t concentrate on my other work at the set and since it’s down to the last shot and my boss told me to leave and rest for the day. usually, i shun off taxi drivers’ attempt to make small talk.. but interestingly, i enjoyed the ride home today. and i came home with some wise words.…
bright and early..
and my eyes are shutting. the body’s screaming murder but I still had to drag it out of the bed and the house and trudge to work. i dread about the upcoming 2 months. I am so so swamped with major activities that’s happening all at the same time. I seriously have NO idea how I’ll be able to get through it all, and i’m praying that i’ll do fine, survive, get enough sleep, be less stressed and at the end of it all, emerge with a smile and a pat on my back. but you know what? that’s a little bit of wishful thinking on my part, because seriously..…