• And my little plants grow!!!

    Earlier this year, serene (my colleague) gave me this DIY tomato plant kit (not like I needed it since I grew it from the fruit) but I thought it’s still great because I’ll have something to tend to in the office. There were many other boxes that were distributed between my colleagues as well and we have a whole line up of little sprouts by my cubicle window. Solely because my little nook is the only place with the blinds drawn up (I didn’t mind the sunshine a bit) so it’s good for plants. And so. Here are some of the pictures on my project by the window sill. The…

  • My tomato harvest!

    Nope. It’s not facebook games that I’m talking about here. It’s my real tomato plants that I planted at my corridor. This is one of the batches that my mum harvested. Some of them are really tiny, but they turned out up be very sweet!! Lovely. Now, who says I have to go supermarket for tomatoes? Am off for another jog this evening! Posted via LiveJournal.app.

  • some other bits of cheer…

    other things makes me a happy girl too.. like how my locally-grown tomato plants are sprouting fast and tall.. and they are now all taller than me! I just planted the seeds from ONE tomato and my corridor is filled with them now, all taller than i am, needing much support to hold them up. they are fruiting! funny how there are like dozens and dozens of flowers blooming, but only ONE became a fruit thus far. wonders if the soil has enough nutrition. my hk tomato plant is growing well too! Though not as tall, it has grown into a sturdy bush, and the tomatoes are popping out too.…

  • the past week.

    been out of “sight” for a while and i have been really busy lately. of trying to get a life. have been desperate to lose some of the fats that i am donning (everyone tells me im fatter!), so i have been exercising! swimming x 3 + jogging x 2 in the past week had been a real feat. all that, plus planning for belle’s hen night on saturday. it’s quite a blast i reckon, but i shall say that in another post (with pictures!). here’s some random pictures for the week. if this my favourite fruit since i was a kid. i never quite know the english name for…