• yawns

    it’s been a long day at work and a long night out. dinner, drinks and natters with a new found friend. Rodney. *waves hi* Hmmm.. so, somewhere out there.. i am not the only one facing situation i am in. it does feel a little reassurance to know i am quite normal. well.. life still goes on and i’ll just have to quicken my pace and catch up. tomorrow’s just gonna be a better day. (actually.. no! what’s a better day with a 14-15hr shoot to supervise?!?!) ok. ok. i’ll just pretend tomorrow is gonna be a better day. 🙂 i am very worn out physically. it’s time for bed.…

  • rare, very rare

    i had insomia last night. i was all awake the whole night and at 3.30am, i figured i NEEDED to grab a wink. so force myself in bed i shall. engulfed in darkness, i was more awake than ever. i tossed and turned. i twist and straighten. i sleep flat, by the side and in all positions possible. i tried hugging different things. feeling warm from the tossing and feeling the frustration set in, i closed my eyes tight and willed myself to sleep. after much effort and a long time, i finally fell asleep. i opened my eyes wide when the alarm rang at 7am. i think i barely…

  • to do

    i have so much stuff on my mental to-do list, but i cant seemed to get any of it done. here are some that i can think offhand.. 1. clear my room 2. pack my bags and put them up for sale 3. finish the x-stitch for wei 4. prepare the santa’s list 5. revise japanese 6. change my blog skin (i want something chirpy, bright and soothing to look at!) 7. sort out my ipod song list and oh, i just found my sweets missing from my sweets bottle. Grr.. on a happier note, im heading out with unpolished_gem tonight! gonna attend some seminar thingy in a church on…

  • sleeping princess

    a superly long and tired day. internetless at work for the entire day. went novena sq, chilled in unpolished_gem‘s office, head for dinner, chitter chatter, braved the rain home, aching shoulders and neck. details when i can focus and gather my thoughts. my brain’s shutting down. finally read/replied all the emails/comments on my blog. decided to give the work emails a miss cos i am just too knackered. i shall enter the fairyland and wait for my prince to trot by riding a stallion. *yawns*

  • wandering around

    my life has taken a dip recently. suddenly, it’s filled with void. compared to the past when i had to attend jap class, yoga classes and packed the rest of the days with dinner dates and activities, i come home everyday before 6pm and kinda have too much time on my hands. but weirdly enough, i still dont find a lot of time to blog more often, at home that is. and actually, i dont have much to blog about either. i have been procrastinating abt selling my huge collection of bags. and im just pure lazy to snap pictures of them and put them up. i havent been practising…

  • the weekend

    i cant believe how unlucky i was over the weekend. i lost my phone on a cab and after a badminton game, my whole bag was soaked in water. just so cos i didnt cap my water bottle correctly. i wasnt too upset abt the bag, but my camera charger, my camera, my card reader, my ipod and my mobile phone is swimming in the water. that’s what happens when u have a fila waterproof material bag. the water doesnt flow out, except thru the side seams! no one can imagine the fluster i was in. a huge bag, a badminton racket, and trying to drip dry my ipod, and…