• Happy blogs are so addictive.

    I accidentally chanced upon a blog of this girl I used to read. She has since moved her blog elsewhere some years back and I never quite knew what happened because the entire old blog was deleted. And my, was I hooked.. I kept reading and reading non stop for the past 2 days because her entries are filled with happiness and it was damn addictive to just want to read more.. And more.. And more. Happiness is infectious huh? And I’m just glad, and happy for her that somewhere out there.. A broken hearted has found her happiness and more. Never mind that this is one total stranger to…

  • [LJ2ME] He’s just not that into you…

    There’s nothing worse than having no answer, in business, friendships, and especially romantic friendships. But the bad news is, no answer is your answer. He may not have written you a good-bye note, but his silence is a deafening “see you later”. The only reason to ever write him again is to give him a chance to say it louder, with words. Another one of those that got me nodding my head.. [mobile post on train @ kranji]