am super sleepy right now. Am exhausted from attending to a hyper baby the whole day, and guess what? He was fussing non stop with the hubby and when he passed the baby to me in exasperation, Jerry just dropped into dreamland! And ya, I’m holding him in one hand and typing this with the other.. I wish I could just drop off and go to bed too! At der’s grandparents place now. Gotta run some errands later before I could pop home.. Gosh. Why do the weekends pass so fast?! Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
going round and round.
right this moment, i am struggling to keep my eyes open. no blues to fight off, only tiredness. and for the first time in my life, my eyes are closing when i am driving. in bright sunlight. and it’s only the morning, but i have went around the island a couple of time. or rather, north to east, east to north and north to east again. confused? i started my day at 6.30am today. headed out to the airport to fetch der and the plan was to drive to the office after that and have der drive the car home himself. BUT!!!!!!!! the super blur me left the laptop at…
droopy eyes
a heavy lunch of yong tau foo is the nemesis of my working day here. with the rain pattering outside, and the air con freezing as a result of it, my eyes are feeling extremely droopy and i keep yawning non stop! doesn’t help especially when im trying to read a 1.5″ thick file. any pointers to help me stay awake?
i think i ate too much. im constantly fighting the zee monster and am on the losing end. 🙁 serve me right for being a glutton.