• and jerome flips!

    some time earlier this week, my mum reported that jerome started flipping when I came home from work one day! he has been on the verge of flipping for a while and that morning, when my mum was skyping my aunt.. he flipped.   and my aunt was pretty estactic to have seen it first-hand (via webcam) and witnessed this major milestone of his. I felt a little left out and bummed that I didnt witnessed it myself cos I was at work. then again, its something that all full time working mums would have to grapple with so im definitely not alone.   looking forward to his next milestone!…

  • updates on the house.

    its been a month since my last update! the house have been renovated progressively and we have been checking it every week. the husband some times check it consecutively a few days when he happens to be in the area!   it has changed quite significantly since! the first thing that was done were the aircon trunking, eletrical stuff, false ceiling, then the floors and the grills. the entire house is also given a white wash of paint. the kitchen cabinet are next! and the slowly, the wardrobes and all the rest of the carpentry works. everything is still work in progress, but all carpentry works are done. there’s just…

  • a visit to pasar bella at grand stand (turf city)

    last week, we finally found some time to check out pasar bella. the husb is pretty appalled when I told him we are going to check out a market and was in fact, very reluctant to go according to my suggestion.  haha! the flight of stairs kinda put der off. he had to carry the stroller with a sleeping jerry in it up those stairs. he even told me to go ahead and he’ll sit at the bus stop to wait for me. haha! my lazy man. (we eventually realised that we could enter from the sides through the mall area that doesnt require climbing any steps).  and can I…

  • grub restaurant review, grub food review, grub cheeseburger

    mother’s day brunch at GRUB Restaurant.

    GRUB restaurant is like the hottest place to check out lately. it kept appearing on a lot of my friends’ blogs and their IG. with it being so near me.. I just had to check it out so I brought my mum there for a mother’s day brunch. ermm.. having read all the rave reviews.. I think my experience fell a bit flat. 1. queues. I have heard about their no reservation rule so I dragged everyone out at 845am to make it for their opening at 9am. turns out, we parked at the wrong car park so we had to take a little stroll. we reach about 920am and…

  • my mother’s present!

    my mother’s day couldnt have started more splendidly for me, especially when I thought nothing exciting was happening except that my family is going for brunch before my brother flies off for another vacation.   how wrong I was.   and how pleasantly surprised I was.   these days, with jerry in school.. we no longer have to sleep battles to fight. no, scratch that. we have shorter sleep battles to fight because he usually goes down before 9.30pm (so do we, in fact). so when mother’s day came round at midnight, I woke from my nap and was quietly surfing the net on my phone while all my boys…

  • happy mother’s day.

    jerry came home from school today with a mother’s day present for me.. so sweet! so I heard he helped in mixing and stirring the batter.. brought a smile to my face.   when I got home.. guess what happened?   I found him nomming on the little muffins! I asked to share and he rejected me! and then proceeding to stuff everything (including the muffin liners) into his mouth!   ohhh.. how nice he is. I guess my present is a good laugh instead.   what I really would like is that my boys grow up healthily, stay happy, let me have at least 5hrs stretch of sleep at…

  • because everyone (or mum) needs a little pampering.

    with jerry starting childcare this week, I finally have a wee bit of time to relax a little without having both the toddler and baby demanding my attention! im heading back to work in EXACTLY 10 days, and seriously, time just passed sooooo fast, I dont remember achieving much in the past 3 months.. except spending loads of time with jerry. while I feel tired constantly, its amazing to watch him grow and develop a little everyday and I know its been beneficial to him as well because he has learnt so much in the past 3 months.  I cannot be more thankful for the time spent with him.  …

  • day 2, 3 and 4 of childcare.

    jerry just finished day 4 of childcare and over the few days, there were a little progress along the way, everyday. both daddy & me were proud of his little achievements because im sure, its a big thing someone his age!   on day 1, we hung around for about 2hrs and snuck away while he was playing with toys at childcare. it was only for 2 hours and just enough time for us to have eat breakfast and pop over to our new abode to check on the renovation progress. we brought him home after he had his bath and before the nap time. no tears.   on day…

  • jerome plays with sir prance-a-lot

      At 3.5 months, jerome is getting a little more interactive with his surroundings.  my mum hung a lamaze toy in front of him this afternoon while she went about her chores and he started putting out his hand to push it. although he did miss a few times before he actually hit the swinging toy, i was silently rooting his each attempt.  too cute!   I suddenly have a flashed back memory of jerry doing the same thing not too long ago.. but he is so grown up now! gotta cherish these baby moments before they are all gone! Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

  • Jerry’s first day of school/childcare!

    Today is such a momentous day. It marks jerry’s first day of school/childcare. It is also an extremely emotional day for me, which I hadn’t expected I would feel this way. Come to think of it, I spent quite a bit of effort in prepping for his big day, from putting him on wait list, to bugging the schools in giving me a slot, to getting all the enrollment papers done, buying his uniform, his school bag, buying new toiletries/towels etc to be used in the school, ironing on his name labels on everything to packing his bag last night. It was a tedious process, but nothing quite prepared me…