The city of istanbul..
Am gonna skip talking about rome & paris first (thats 10 days of the trip) and talk about istanbul first for the benefit of kenties who will be popping by next week. When we first got into istanbul, it was dry and hot, which was a stark difference from paris where we were freezing our arses off. The streets are quite typical of most cities and strangely, it felt like i was in an asian country instead. They had many tall buildings that resembled our hdb flats (but not as tall but with nice looking exterior), so i couldnt help resist asking the taxi driver if these were apartments that…
Do you know?!
The city of venice is shaped like a fish! The grand canal in the morning, when the bustling activities have yet to start and the canal is still relatively quiet. My lone luggage against the train station as backdrop. Its so quiet at 7+ in the morning. On train leaving for rome.. Lovely city. I think i do want to come back some day. Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
Protected: Back in reality.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Protected: My beanie is safe!
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The lost post about xsilly – x.silly gets pampered!
I cant remember what i wrote in the post anymore because it was written in paris and paris was a week ago. But anyway, x.sillly gets a present on our honeymoon from der, despite der complaining that there are THREE of us on the honeymoon. He gets a pair of socks! Mad cute, except that the prints are of a maryjane and looks a little girly, but these are like the only clothing we ever managed to find that fits the tiny him! Really up the cute factor for me like 10 notches, but he’s my special one, hand delivered to me one day in my office by der that…
Love hate with the iphone app.
I posted an entry about xsilly the other day and the app has prompted that the entry was posted successfully.. But it didnt show up in my lj. Grr. Its the second time it happened. Blah. Am on the plane right now, supposed to be bedtime, but i’m all alert and cant get to sleep no matter how i try. And yup, there’s also a crying baby on board, just 2 rows in front. When its not crying, it screaming non stop. Mad irritating even though i know the parents would be worse off caring for the baby. But surely one can control the excitement and not let the baby…
Protected: Waiting for the disney ride.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The last of venice (part 2)
Totally hating the iphone app for LJ. I cant blog halfway and go back to it. Grrr. Hence the many many disrupted posts on venice. Der was telling me that we’ll go on the gondola and i went.. Woah.. You sure?! He said yes! Since we wont be coming back here ever, so i think it well worth the money. Haha. Spoke too early. When i told him its minimumly €80-100, he very quickly changed his mind and promptly googled for other options. I almost laughed my arse off. I totally didnt think we’ll go for the gondola. I was thinking of taking the vaporetto (water taxi) around the grand…
The last of venice (part 1)
Am loving this whole honeymoon thingy, because there aint a rush to do anything or see anything and we are pretty much taking it easy with lotsa snooze in between attractions. Haha. It does seemed like its wasted spending so much time in hotel rooms other than out there but i guess its whatever makes you happy at that moment. It just equates to doing the right thing at the right moment and that in itself is happiness. Venice collected quite a bit of rain while we were there, also one of the reasons why we snoozed in the hotel. We didnt want to get wet or sick with the…
Still in rome
Hi hi. After a bad night last night and a near amazing race situation, we are still in rome and will be till tomorrow morning. Totally screwed our plans and 2 nights of paris hotel. All because… We attempted to change flights, run to catch the last 13hr train ride to paris instead of flying, switch to an international airlines by paying up to 15 times the price, fly to berlin and take a 4hr train into paris….. And was really frustrated to be pushed from easyjet ticket counter and ryanair sales counter to the information coumter and i think we queued at least 10 times between the 3. I…