its been 12 hours!
12 hrs later after my blog post this morning, i am still madly editing the video. stayed home the entire day and intersperse it with 2 meals and some games on wii.. that’s how my vesak day has passed gradually. feeling very drained and *sigh*.. the video is not as easy as i thought since i decided to be ‘gei-kiang’ (act smart in hokkien) and had a virgin attempt with adobe premiere. thought it would be good to learn new things mah! anyhow, the tedious part was not putting the video together. it was going through all the footages and deciding which are the clips that are suitable and triming…
early in the morning
it’s 9.15am now on a public holiday. I cannot believe myself that i woke at 7.30am and plonked myself down to work on the retreat video. wahhahaha. i surprised myself! i really should be sleeping in and don’t wake till the cows come home.
the long weekend isn’t gonna be relaxing for me. with the company retreat coming up on the 22-23 may next week, my weekend will be burnt trying to put together a company video for the retreat. hey, isnt the retreat supposed to be fun and relaxing?! the truth is far from that. first, the retreat video haunts me. and then, with 2 previous work day loss in this crucial week, and my campaign launching in less than 10 days after… i would need to rush out the works of it to get it ready for the launch. and i had to reboot my computer so many bloody times today because…