• breaking the silence..

    with a short note from me. spent the weekend paying the sleep debt! gawd, i wished i didn’t have to wake.. (hee.. *choy*) the weekend was spent in the company of movies (new moon & 2012!!), sleep, loads of me-time, some shopping (in shops and online), and trying to catch up on my work. it’s been a tiring month thus far, but i must hang in there because the worst is yet to be over. movies! new moon was great, but somehow.. edward doesn’t seemed to be as handsome as I thought him to be in twilight. (oops. i can feel the stares coming from some girls). i haven’t read…

  • long weekend.

    work wise, its been horrible, terrible and [add whichever terrible adjectives you can think of]. manslaughter in my opinion. it eats you up slowly because u are so tired, u are better off dead. well, there’s just more to come. time, of cos have been flying past extremely fast. especially so when one is busy. i’m so totally thankful for the long weekend. even though its sitex, i can at least take a breather, slow things down a little and just relax and chill before the flurry in the following weeks. i feel so good when for once in a long long, long time.. i slept for 12hrs. shiok! now,…

  • catching up on the sleep debt.

    the boy has gone overseas again, and the weekend alone has been great for me. I caught up with my sleep debt and have been sleeping BOTH saturday and sunday away! so, it’s been eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep.. except that i went for the company bowling competition (finals) yesterday. the competition went quite bad. for me at least. must be the fact that I don’t really know my team mates (at all), and it took me a while to warm up to them. our last game was the best with a team score of 655 (avg of 164/pax). if only we had played consistently like our 3rd game.…

  • bright and early..

    and my eyes are shutting. the body’s screaming murder but I still had to drag it out of the bed and the house and trudge to work. i dread about the upcoming 2 months. I am so so swamped with major activities that’s happening all at the same time. I seriously have NO idea how I’ll be able to get through it all, and i’m praying that i’ll do fine, survive, get enough sleep, be less stressed and at the end of it all, emerge with a smile and a pat on my back. but you know what? that’s a little bit of wishful thinking on my part, because seriously..…

  • halloween at the safari

    and nope. this is not about the safari adventures in south africa, but in our Singapore’s own safari, the singapore night safari. for the entire month of Oct, night safari has transformed their fridays and saturdays experience with the theme of halloween. i think it’s the 3rd year running, but I havent had the chance to check it out. This year, der and me planned a trip to the safari. armed with the discount coupons we got from his sister, we were all set to go! nothing quite prepared me for the experience. at the gates, there were throngs of people! the park opens at 7.30pm and when we reached…

  • it’s the weekend!

    it’s friday and i could breathe the weekend air already! it’s been a gruelling week thus far, with some intensive work and daily 2hr conference calls. I’m almost calling in dead. I am so so tired and my brains are so fried that all that i could do after work was play mindless facebook games and sleep. I cannot wait for tomorrow because the boy and me planned quite a bit of activities. and hopefully, i find the time to load up the pictures. the pictures. i was moaning earlier this week because when i tried to transfer some pictures to my hard disk, my system went into an auto…

  • geek

    geek is when you turn into a bundle of joy upon receiving these. i’m shivering with excitement, now i can’t wait to transfer all my files and free up the space! my laptops are all crawling right this moment. and the weekend is ending in 5 mins! alrightly, my eyes are back to my favourite korean drama – the painter of the wind.

  • the past weekend

    i seemed to be forever chasing my blog entries these days. i never really get the chance or time to blog when i want to or when i have the inspiration.. and i am beginning to find it a mere ‘obligation’ to update my blog after a while, because i update because i have to. well, don’t get me the wrong way. i’m just feeling obligated to myself because the whole idea of having my own blog is to keep snippets of my life so that i can read it some years later. so, i do hope there’s no long lapse between my entries and my life is being tracked.…

  • it’s the weekend again!

    and my body decides to wake at the glorious timing of 6am. i wonder what it is thinking?! i want to snuggle under the blankets and sleep more! the work week ended with a slightly motivated me. there are much hurdles to cross and some very tough ones. so hopefully, i’ll be able to trudge through the next 2 months smoothly. today is competition day! my office bowling competition. why am i always dragging myself into this? I had hoped that the boy would be here to accompany me, but he’s in milan right now. what a pity, but i am so glad that he is coming back tomorrow. ITS…