• up to some mischief.

    i wish the weekend didnt end… i haven’t caught up with my sleep debt from the trip yet! it’s been a busy weekend thus far! met up with 18 other of my colleagues for a game of paintball today. it’s my first attempt at playing and i think i kinda suck in it. it’s not that easy to aim because the balls are so light, they sway accordingly to the wind, and its subjective to the gas dispenser. it’s quite funny to see the balls head down prematurely before it even hits your target. its a pity that the game was so short. i would love more of it, but…

  • the weekend.

    these days, the weekend goes by in a flash! the weekend saw more jewellery shopping and it’s no where near improving things as per last weekend. i guess we are pretty decided on the kind of designs that we could consider, the specific ones and possibly customizing one side of it. his side. // friday night. the 3 musketeers go out to play. we popped by greenwood fish market and bistro. WOW! has it been ages since i last went there? the place expanded so much that I almost couldn’t recognise what used to be a cosy nook. and despite increasing the sitting capacity by 200%, they are still turning…

  • the weekend

    all i did was 4 things. 1. shopping 2. mahjong 3. eat 4. sleep and the interesting thing? I spent not a single cent on shopping and all we ever got was a $1 ice cream for me. it was meant to be a window shopping day, because we had wanted to check out some of the rings that we were looking at and see if der would be able to get it during his trip in october. i know it’s way too early, but since we had nothing better to spend our time with and we really didnt know what we would like/prefer/want.. it’s always good to shop around…

  • going round and round.

    right this moment, i am struggling to keep my eyes open. no blues to fight off, only tiredness. and for the first time in my life, my eyes are closing when i am driving. in bright sunlight. and it’s only the morning, but i have went around the island a couple of time. or rather, north to east, east to north and north to east again. confused? i started my day at 6.30am today. headed out to the airport to fetch der and the plan was to drive to the office after that and have der drive the car home himself. BUT!!!!!!!! the super blur me left the laptop at…

  • starting the week with a swollen toe.

    the weekend has been great, from a great saturday out with der and a nice dinner with my favourite rocher bean curd as supper to a fantastic and lovely wedding of Ray & my bestie (and extremely tiring too!) on national day and ending with a super cleaning/packing day.. it’s been fulfilling thus far. and today, i start work with a swollen and bruised toe because i dropped this big plank of wood on my toe and i cannot bend it now. the pain is so acute, i am wondering if there is any fracture of some sort. nonetheless, the vain me came in heels still and i’m still in…

  • i got a dinner date!

    for once, der actually bothered to date me! as in really send me a message and asked if i’m free for dinner.. sounds like a really natural thing right to do right? not when you are living in such close proximity like we do and i really don’t even remember him doing that since the first few months that we met.. to actually make a date. Whee! i’m looking towards dinner because it is supposed to be a make-up for my birthday, which unfortunately for both of us, he has fallen sick. i wonder where the nice dinner will be..

  • the long awaited weekend.

    last weekend was a long awaited weekend of mine.. with tickets to the SING DOLLAR! bought the tickets some months back and have been eagerly waiting for the DAY to come.. well, i woke up excitedly only to find the boy hot to the touch. stuff a thermometer into his mouth (38.5 degrees fever) and had to drag him out of bed and to the doc’s. and he had to give the show a miss. =( i was upset because we had wanted to watch it for the longest time, but the boy was adamant in staying home and not spreading the germs even with a mask on. of cos,…

  • the weekend gone by..

    i didn’t know why, but i was totally knackered. all i wanted was to sleep.. but i managed to accomplish quite a bit (as in heading out). finally visited rider’s cafe for brunch. finally because i never quite managed to drag der outta bed for it. also because he is not quite an ang moh breakfast kinda person. andy joined us (he just landed in the morning) so we sorta had quite a bit of fun exploring around the island and me, as usual.. snapping pictures at food. this just got to be my favourite picture of the day…

  • the past week.

    been out of “sight” for a while and i have been really busy lately. of trying to get a life. have been desperate to lose some of the fats that i am donning (everyone tells me im fatter!), so i have been exercising! swimming x 3 + jogging x 2 in the past week had been a real feat. all that, plus planning for belle’s hen night on saturday. it’s quite a blast i reckon, but i shall say that in another post (with pictures!). here’s some random pictures for the week. if this my favourite fruit since i was a kid. i never quite know the english name for…