i want to go too!
just under an hr ago.. i talked to my aunt on msn. she was due for shopping in 5 mins while i was talking to her. and it’s almost 5 friggin’ AM in seattle!! she ended the conversation by saying my uncle is almost reaching and fetching her to the mall!
i simply cannot comprehend how my uncle and my aunt gets so MOTIVATED to get their butts outta the comfy bed at 4+ in the morning, to go shopping!?! especially since it was such a CHORE for me to get my uncle’s butt out while we were in florida & spain, just so we could be on time with our travelling schedule.
Grr. the malls are having thanksgiving sale. and the malls opens at 5am! and there are freebies as door gifts.
i want to go shopping too!
and i am reminded, of how boring the malls in singapore are.
Wow, u think SG mall will ever do that?
I’m not motivated to wake early for that!
no. they wont.
but it works in seattle. the people are queueing outside the malls before it opens! the discounts are really good ones.. and very attractive door gifts! loads of them somemore!
my aunt got disney snowglobes, perfumes and some other stuff last year..