my labour day.
i started the labour day holiday early in the morning making a table and chair out of the boxes of my water heater and sink in the new house, dicussing the details with the husb and my ID.
it went a lot smoother than i thought it would and guess having spent hours the day before discussing with the husb helped.
the floor has been levelled!
living room
master bedroom
toilet half wall done! now missing the glass piece and a tiny kerb.
kitchen looking really messy at the moment.
the other part of the living room..
Its really quite fun seeing everything slowly coming into pieces.. can’t wait!
next week, the aircon and the electrical works would be in! till the next house update!
Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.
Actually your living room layout is really a lot like mine! Just kitchen entrance in a different place.
yes! it is. The master bedroom is also a little different. I have a little corner to turn in before the toilet door, otherwise, its pretty much the same! 🙂