my little chubby baby.
jerome is growing very chubby and wayyyyy heavier than jerry when he is at the same age. the 2 brothers are currently sharing and wearing the same pool of clothings (!!!) and my arms ache a great deal from carrying jerome!
here’s some random cute pictures of the little one!
he always has this smirk on his face!
pouty lips here.
blowing raspberries while doing tummy time
“huh? you calling me?”
i dont have much pictures of the little one. i should really get my act together and snap more pictures! he retaliated by going on a milk strike yesterday and literally snoozed the day away!
well, i aint complaining! looking forward to the weekend tomorrow and have a great weekend folks!
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so cute! yes please snap more pictures of Jerome!!!
Really both wearing the same size?
Jerome looks more like you?
yes.. that’s what everyone says! 🙂 der & me each have our mini-me.