the play
sunday night. been wanting to catch it for the longest time but haven’t gotten the time plus company to go with me. got the tickets really last minute on friday night after numerous attempts on the sistic website to get better tickets.
the play was so-so, and at times, i think the conversations are rather dry. ok. derrick fell asleep beside me and was snoring away for 10secs when we received stares for the girls beside us. Oops.
compare that to jack and the bean sprout that i last saw.. i think this really pales in comparison. one single backdrop, and 5 people.
ok. i need to go get ready for work now. the rain is so heavy and i cannot be late!
ooh.. i watched that too.. very static.. bleah
yeah. i think so too.. kinda regret going for it actually and i walked out of the theatre feeling grumpy.