Things Jerry Says #21 – It’s SUNNY!
I have bad sleepers. My kids are good for hyper activeness and their ability to stay awake. They love to play and rejects nap times or bed times, especially when we are at home. I am seriously thinking that our playroom is not a good idea after all. Or maybe it is the idea of having 2 boys. They play catching all day and refused to sleep! Over the long weekend 2 weekends ago, I was trying to make Jerry sleep on one of the afternoons so that we can head out in the later part of the day. He just kept running and screaming around the house in joy…
Things Jerry Says #21 – I am so proud of you!
As a ftwm (full-time working mum), I often struggle between the responsibilities at work as well as the splitting my time between a mummy, a wife, a home maker, maintaining a blog and a whole lot more of responsibilities in between. I previously wrote about the struggles of being a ftwm here and here but today, I will tell you a conversation that tugged at my heart strings. One that makes me wonder if I should stop working and really spend time with the kid in his growing up years. There is just so many years that the kid needs you before they are off to explore the world and doesn’t…
A day at the zoo!
We haven’t visited the Singapore Zoological Gardens for a while, and when we got the memo that Jerry’s school has an outing, I made the husband take leave with me to attend the session. After all, daddy’s gotta be involved too right? (p.s. I didn’t realise that monday was a PH then and we accidentally clocked in a super long weekend!) Jerry was super excited on the school bus. He wasn’t all the usual grumpy him when he told him we are going to the zoo! He must have thought it was a super happy day that daddy and mummy are coming along with him. It was a half day…
Cycling at East Coast Park!
It’s been a long time since, but we finally did it! The husband & I made it back to East Coast Park for some outdoorsy fun, along with the kids. To think we used to blade there very often, pre-kids. I have been wanting to go, but there was never a good chance – kid too young, preggers, 2nd kid too young etc. Now that they both are running and climbing all over, and Jerome can understand some bits of instruction… there is so much we can start doing! Can you tell that I was A LOT more excited than the kids? Nooooooo… the kids were both equally excited, but…
Things Jerry Says #20 – Who is its mother?
Here’s a new Things Jerry Says post for this week! If you are new here, “Things Jerry Says” is a series of conversational posts with Jerry, my first born. He has been getting really apt in his conversational skills and sometimes, says the weirdest and funniest things that throw us off. I document them down because I know this phase will soon pass and I want to retain these moments somewhere, so that someday, I can read some day and reminisce the times when he is growing up. Today, we were playing pretend play with x.silly, a small cuddly pig that the husband gifted me many years back. X.silly is…
Because family matters more.
Last Monday, I took urgent leave and made a last minute trip to Malaysia to visit my grandpa. You know how we always give ourselves the excuse that we will visit someone when we have the time but the time never come before it is too late? I don’t want that to ever happen to me again ever since my maternal grandma passed away 2 years back. So, I had to skip a training at work and brought the entire family on a road trip to visit my grandpa. After all, he is turning a century old next year. The stars aligned that day and my uncles and aunty were going to be there…
Things Jerry Say #18 – I am not a bad guy.
If you haven’t already know. This kid is obsessing over Transformers right now. He has been going on and on about Optimus Prime trailer toy for the loooooooogest time, talking about it every single day and somewhat drove me nuts. I can’t quite believe how persistent and single minded he is for this toy. He talked about it every day, requested us to buy for him all the time, grabbed it every time he goes to the store until I gave up and started on the concept of being on good behaviour to earn the toy himself. He’s probably too young for this at a few months past 3 years,…
Shape Run 2014 with Skechers!
Shape Run is here again for 2014! I started out participating in the Shape Run by running individually (official photos here) many years back, and then I took part in the stroller run last year, and this year, I participated in the Mini Me Race! How things have changed! So, I enrolled in the 1.8km Mini Me race and was sooooooooo excited about it, but guess what? I TOTALLY MISSED THE RACE. :((((((((((((((( How could I right?!?! I was equally upset about it. The night before.. the boys were totally cranky and didn’t settle till 2+ in the morning. I was so thrashed and tired from putting them into bed, and texted Estella…
Things Jerry Says #16 – Falling in love.
It’s been a while since I updated with a Things Jerry Says post! It’s not that he hasn’t been sprouting funny things, but I was too preoccupied with surviving life that I haven’t dedicated much time to blog things down. I have quite a number of drafts sitting around, but I wanted to share this first! Recently, we have been asking Jerry about his school and his classmates, and naturally, out of curiousity… we asked about the female students in his class. Like who is the prettiest etc. One girl always stood out. Her name is Rachel, and we know that Jerry is quite fond of her. So one of…
Jerome’s 1st swim!
As 2nd time parents, I honestly think that we are tardy in some ways in exposing Jerome. Jerry had his first swim at 5 months, but Jerome only went for his first swim last month when he is 17 months old. While there are many factors that lead to this, the key reason is… having one kid is so much easier to manage, especially with 2 pairs of watchful eyes. Here’s the truth. We weren’t as confident in bringing 2 kids to the pool by ourselves especially when they both are so young, and basically not easy to handle (i.e. super active). And then, the kids just keep falling sick one…