• Transformers 30th Anniversary Exhibition, Singapore

    Jerry & Jerome are both huge fans of Transformers. Not a day goes by in the household without them holding or playing Transformers. They play with it every single day. Heck. Make that several many times a day and they travel with it even, grabbing one or two of them each time we step out of the house. So, when I heard about the Transformers 30th Anniversary Exhibition at Science Centre Singapore, it’s a no brainer that I have got to check it out. In case you aren’t aware… The Transformers 30th Anniversary Exhibition celebrates 30 years of evolution of the world famous Transformers series and presents a snapshot of its…

  • Life made interesting with Transformers.

    Are you on Instagram? I have some great news for you if you are. If you aren’t, you should start an account today, and maybe you can follow me (@cherieladie) to find out more! Are you wondering what’s with Transformers and Instagram? It’s your ticket to win one of the three $100 Transformers Hampers that I will be giving away. Did I have you sitting up now? You see. My kids are big on Transformers. I have no idea how it started. I suspect it was one of those videos that Jerry first chanced upon on youtube… and then one day, I realized that he knows all the characters, the story plot and…

  • Things Jerry Say #18 – I am not a bad guy.

    If you haven’t already know. This kid is obsessing over Transformers right now. He has been going on and on about Optimus Prime trailer toy for the loooooooogest time, talking about it every single day and somewhat drove me nuts. I can’t quite believe how persistent and single minded he is for this toy. He talked about it every day, requested us to buy for him all the time, grabbed it every time he goes to the store until I gave up and started on the concept of being on good behaviour to earn the toy himself. He’s probably too young for this at a few months past 3 years,…

  • the boy versus the girl.

    the boy and me had quite a few movie dates ever since Jerry was born, all thanks to my mum who babysits Jerry while we sneak out for our movie dates, and some times, just to spend some twosome moments together. yesterday, since the boy was on leave to take baby to the pediatrician, we popped out for a late afternoon movie – transformers: dark of the moon. well, as usual.. we always talk about the movie after. stop reading if you havent watched the movie. spoilers ahead! when the mercedes SLS AMG made its debut appearance in the movie.. der turned over and said, that’s the bad guy (i.e.…