Daiso 101 – 15 Useful Things from Daiso and what I do with them.
I confess, I am a Daiso-holic. And I know there are a lot of you out there who are the same, and maybe some of you choose to be closet ones, but still… I know a lot cannot resist the lure of stepping in and just browsing around, right? Com’on, there is no shame. We are all just super good at saving money and buying useful things at a fraction of their price sometimes. Other times, it’s for convenience sake! I… (much to the horror of my husband) often lug huge bags home from Daiso. My husband has a phobia each time I go near a store, but he doesn’t really…
Prepping the Teacher’s Day Present.
Teacher’s Day is next week! Parents with young school-going children like me are fretting about what to get. I know there are parents who don’t really bother, but I wanted to show my appreciation because I am thankful of the teachers who nurture my kids in the school they are at. All of them whom have impacted my kids in one way or another. I scrambled to put something together last week because I know we will be away on vacation in Taiwan. Want to know what I got for Jerry & Jerome’s teachers? Here’s a hint! Spent a few hours at night prepping the pressies with the husband. Here’s a image of the…
Christmas is coming!
which, would also signal the end of another year. gosh. I want to ask where all that time has gone to but I know I spent most of it slogging away on ny work desk. in the same note, with Der being away in China for a week, me being heavily pregnant with the delivery date just weeks away, and having to juggle work (everyone is clearing leave except me) and caring for jerry.. I have been extremely tired. add the stress of prepping for the festive season and getting everyone’s present ready.. imma is very very sleep deprived so this blog is near its death I think. and…