Project defrosting.
In anticipation of me returning to work real soon, I have kinda set into a worker bee mode in getting all the chores around me done and doing whatever I could to make the transition better.
One more week to go.
Today, it’s freezer cleaning day. The dedicated freezer for my breast milk has accumulated so much frost, it’s getting very hard to pull and put back the drawers and some of the milk bags are getting stuck by the frost, making removal a hassle. It has got so thick, I couldn’t stand the sight of it!
I forgot to take a picture of it though. Was too busy shifting all the milk into the ice boxes in lightning speed to prevent it from melting.
Thank goodness for my brother’s fishing hobby. These huge ice boxes come into really good use (and the anal me had to give it a good sniff and ensure there is absolute zero smell before using it). The 1.5L coke bottle is there for comparison sake. Heh.
Frost meltdown. To speed up the process, I used a hair dryer for the deed after powering down the freezer. There is soooooo much water that my mum was busy helping me wipe so I could only take a picture when we were almost done.
Gave it a thorough wipe down and ensure the freezer is dry, washed all the drawers and wiped them dry, power up the freezer and back to packing them back. In equal lightning speed. It’s tiring, menial work. My back so hurts and thank goodness for my mum’s help, else it might just take the entire afternoon doing it alone.
All done. Nice and neat.
And I took the opportunity to count the milk bags. It’s 230+ bags in there (even after I was away for 2 weeks where the baby survived on the frozen milk and I threw away everything I expressed). I kinda wonder when all these milk would ever deplete. As of now, my supply is still exceeding the demand even though I’m expressing at 6hrs interval. Can’t seemed to drag it any longer because it’ll leak real bad thereafter.
Guess what? I really miss the days where I could just sleep uninterrupted.
I have got guests in the house. 2 of my aunties just popped by to visit my son (unannounced) so I gotta go entertain a bit.
Looking forward to the weekend to spending time with the hubby! He’s bound for china on Sunday for a week. Boo!
More updates soon. Promise!
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
Considered selling your BM?
Dear Cherie, would you consider selling some of your BM? My little one will be facing surgery early next year and needs quite a bit of BM. I am barely meeting his daily needs. Please LMK? Thanks!
Re: Considered selling your BM?
Hi Rachel,
How old is your kiddo now and when will the surgery be? I have since stretched my milking schedule to 12hrs interval now and the supply has dropped quite drastically because i couldn’t cope with my busy work schedule on top of breast-feeding.
Just not sure if i will still have BM when the time comes around. Also, i read somewhere that its best if you find BM from a nursing mother whose kid is of similar age to you (because the nutrients in the milk are different as the kid grows along), hence my earlier question.
I wouldn’t mind giving you the BM for free if i still have sufficient supplies then, but i really can’t promise since my work is quite hectic.
Hope this helps! Let me know more information and if i still have excess supply then.. i can contact you?
Re: Considered selling your BM?
Dear Cherie,
Thank you so much for replying! Sorry I’ve been tardy; as you can tell it’s been a while since I checked back here.
My LO is now 13 weeks old and while the doctor hasn’t given me an op date yet, it’s supposed to be somewhere between 6-9 months of age, or when he hits the 10kg mark. That means sometime between February to May 2012. I will get an exact date when I see the doctor again on Jan 20. I perfectly understand that you might have completely weaned off your baby by then. How old is she now?
I really appreciate your efforts at contacting me, my email addie is pineapplegarden at gmail dot com if you don’t mind dropping me a reply there. Thank you so much for your time.
Hi Cherie,
I came across your blog while reading about breastfeeding. I will like to know where do you buy your BM storage bags? Those that I saw are crazy expensive!