• teacher’s day presents.

    and so, tomorrow is teacher’s day. if you have school going children like me, have you prepped the presents? or has it been a really tedious process, pondering about what presents to give them?   or maybe, you have no intentions of doing anything at all? Lol.   i do feel people these days are, in general, more critical then appreciative towards everyone around them. or it could have been the wide spread use of social media which has amplified the negative voices. I know I am fully guilty of dishing out complaints a lot more than praises or compliments on a daily basis. its so much easier to complain,…

  • Christmas is coming!

    which, would also signal the end of another year. gosh. I want to ask where all that time has gone to but I know I spent most of it slogging away on ny work desk. in the same note, with Der being away in China for a week, me being heavily pregnant with the delivery date just weeks away, and having to juggle work (everyone is clearing leave except me) and caring for jerry.. I have been extremely tired. add the stress of prepping for the festive season and getting everyone’s present ready.. imma is very very sleep deprived so this blog is near its death I think.   and…