• i’m too tired to do up any pretty collages. am ready to flop any moment now. i’ve gotten myself a personalised autograph album and loads of photos. and just for the record, i am not a crazy fan. in fact, i didn’t know his existence till i was approached by the magazine for a write-up. and so, presenting my day in just 2 pictures. more updates when i am feeling more sane. ok. time to snooze. ta.

  • Sleepy

    Feeling restless in mac at suntec city. My eyes are burning and i have getting that a lot these days. Something is quite wrong with me, but i’m not sure what. I feel like i’m on the brink of falling sick, feeling very tired all the time. Woke up early today. Recently, i realised that my bioclock wakes at 8.10am. I have been opening my eyes consistently at that timing over the weekends. How annoying. Gone are the days when i can sleep soundly into the afternoons. Working on sunday is quite a chore, but it does help when you are dealing with a quite handsome regional celebrity. Took loads…