• Cold and freezing morning.

    Its so cold this morning that all i wanted to do was shut that alarm and stay in whatever position i was (under the blanket) and not move an inch. The sheets were cold on the part where i wasnt lying on and even the cuddlies felt cold. The aircon was still blaring on and i couldnt move to switch it off. And so, when i finally got up (i wished i didnt had to), i decided to layer my clothes for the day. A topshop tank, my nike sweatshirt, f21 shorts with my 3/4 giodano leggings and my mum’s crocs (techincally they are mine but she wears them all…

  • i *heart* this weather!

    took this yesterday when i stepped out of the house. love the chilly, cool feeling and the deep blue sky. even the air feels a lot more refreshing than usual. even looking at the picture calms my heart. does it calm yours too? today, the weather was so good to sleep in because like yesterday, the rain cooled the weather.. in a totally dreamy, lazy mood today. if the weather is like that everyday.

  • the unbearable heat

    the weather is so hot, i hear people around me complaining of headaches… well, i’m not one of those exceptions because after 3 mins in the heat.. i can feel a headache looming. i hate it when my clothes stick to me because it’s so hot and you feel so sticky. its uncomfortable and makes it hard to move around since it sticks. the best thing during this type of weather is a cold bath the moment you step home. but guess what? when i took a black tee from the cupboard to put on, the tee is warm! it was like putting a warm blanket over my cold skin.…

  • Hot hot hot.

    Think i’m wearing the wrong gear today. I wore black from head to toe.. Bad idea because the sun is so strong this morning! Am perspiring from the walk to the train station. Looking at the time.. I think i’m gonna be late. Am still feeling unwell but decided to trudge to work. Hmmm.. I’ve got a new colleague coming in today. A brand manager that’s gonna be seated behind me. Wonder how she’ll be.. Argh. I’m perspiring even in the air conditioned train! =( [mobile post on train @ yio chu kang)