jerome turns 2 months old!
jerome turned 2 months old last saturday and we brought him in for his vaccination early saturday morning.
he’s been growing really fast and have outgrown a lot of his clothes, some of the hand-me-downs which had spent a lot of months with jerry now cannot fit him anymore.
his stats for the month – 5.5kg, 53cm tall. i cant remember his head circumference though and it was not recorded in his health booklet. he’s been pretty much the same but has grown a lot sturdier, heavier, and stronger (he can straighten his body and push himself up from the bumbo seat). his kicks are very strong as well and it kinda makes diaper changing tougher. he turns his head pretty frequently these days as well. since his full month, he is back on a full expressed breastmilk diet with the occasional formula feed on the weekends when we head out for long stretches of time simply because its more convenient since ebm typically last about 4hrs and i still have tins of formula milk lying around and have to deplete them before they go to waste. i’ll usually bring 2 fresh bottles of ebm when we head out and give formula only when the ebm runs out.
other observations:
– started to blow raspberries
– eyes and head follows object from side to side
– started cooing (sounding really cute)
– smiles and chuckle occasionally
– awake for longer stretches of time
and he is starting to sleep longer stretches at night as well! the other day, it took him 4.5hrs to wake up for is milk feed and i thought it was a fluke. then we realised that he can last longer between the stretch after his feed around 10+pm. yesterday, he managed to sleep at 1+am and woke up at 7am. woah, we very much welcome the uninterrupted rest and hopes it repeats itself every night!
(ok, he didnt tonight do the 6 hr stretch but woke up after 4.5hrs so its still nice).
he’s generally a much easier baby compared to jerry at the same age (jerry was more colicky) though my mum begs to differ. she feels jerome is constantly fussing but its because she doesnt seemed to be able to guess his needs correctly.
and i really cant believe 2 months flew by like that and we are almost into april! it also means that the maternity leave is coming to an end. heading back to work in another 1.5months? not looking forward to it at all.
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