[LJ2ME] Hello.
Is anyone still reading? haven’t had any time to post anything here because work has been really draining. Haven’t been reading too! One of my colleague went on long leave, so I’m covering quite a bit. Work has been extremely challenging and frustrating at times. I’m like an octopus, doing multi-multi-tasking. Except that I’m clueless still with quite a fair bit of the stuff and have to really put in extra effort.
I’m hoping the rainbow to come a bit sooner so that I can at least breathe a little and recharge my mental being, which is being stretched right now.
Still, I have done quite a fair bit of online shopping and I can’t wait for my aunt to head back here! To save on the hefty postage, I have sent everything that I bought to her house. Shoes, dresses, tops, jeans, nail polishes and more, how’s that for my cny clothes shopping? I’m always a happy bird when there’s sale and free shipping.
I think she will scream at me soon when everything turn up. I would think it’ll require a suitcase just for my things.. Hee.
I am thinking of applying for unlimited internet usage for my phone. Sounds dumb with free wifi available, but at times where you really need the internet, there aren’t just any!
[mobile post on train @ dover]
Jia you Jia you… I am still reading 🙂
thanks! im podding along slowly, but surely. 🙂
still reading! *muacks* you take care. you really sound overloaded… 🙁
i am. and to think i am barely 10 weeks OLD! 🙁
the thought of staying in bed every morning is so stark! tell me that i had made a terrible choice!
still around =)
haha… can imagine her reaction when those stuff arrive at her place one by one.. lol
hee hee. errm.. i just got complained. looks like i need to make a trip to the states to lug back ALL the items that are there! 🙁
haha.. ops… but like tat also go… u can go n buy more there!! remember to bring a big empty luggage to store all yr new buys =)
I’m reading 🙂