My Day in a Life Post – It’s Monday!
Happy Monday! Today, I am going to share with you a snapshot of my entire day from morning till dawn, down to the minute details so you can too, can be a part of my very real everyday life. This particular day that I am recording here is last Monday, 20 April 2015. So enjoy!
6.45am: The alarm clock rings and I hit the snooze button. Today, I am feeling very tired because I slept at 2am the night before, doing chores around the house putting away mess while the boys are asleep. I snuggle close to Jerome (he sleeps between the husband and me) and take in his smell while I rest for a little while more.
7am: The husband taps me awake, warning me that I am going to be late for my day. I have an early start today due to a 9am meeting and I wanted to head into the office earlier to prepare. I pop into the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face, take a bath, choose the clothes of the day (wardrobe attached to bathroom) and go through a simple 5 mins make-up routine of toner, moisturiser, sun block, loose powder and blusher.

I emerge from the bathroom 25 mins later, all ready to head out. Meanwhile, the husband makes milk for both boys and change them into their uniforms. They are still asleep today because of my early start.

I do a quick outfit check in the mirror and adds on an accessory (usually a necklace) and move on to a #firstworldproblem. What shoes do I wear? I grab my ASH sneakers today and do a last #ootd check in the mirror just before I step out for the day.

Random tidbit:
Every Monday, I’ll be spotting a huge bag or 2 bags because I bring my work laptop home for the weekend in case I need to do any urgent weekend support and lugs it back every monday morning.
735am: We step out of the house. The boys are still sleeping today so we carried them out. Usually, we take another 15 mins trying to get Jerry to pee, switch off the tv (he watches the tv if he wakes up earlier while waiting for us to get ready), argue on the shoes that they want to wear to school or the toys they want to bring to the car. None of that happened today and I am feeling a little sad and emotional that I didn’t get to interact with the kids. The husband drops me off at the train station and didn’t even give me the chance to kiss/hug them goodbye individually – something I do on a daily basis. “No need lah, they are still sleeping and they won’t know!“. He chased me off his car so that he can be on his way. He’s off for the school run and then off to work.

745am: I take the train for the next 45mins – 1 hr (depending on peak hour traffic and ability to get onto the trains). Once on the train, I take out the crochet project that I am working on and crochets away. I get a lot of curious stares but I think it is better time spent crafting that playing aimless games to pass time. Otherwise, I check some emails and replies them between changing trains and walking between the stations. I play games only when my mind isn’t very awake.

8.25am: I emerge from the train station with a little bit more work done on my totoro. I spend the next 10 mins walking to my office, unsheltered in the hot sun.
835am: I reach the office, hot and uncomfortable and switches on my laptop. The first thing I usually do before I even settle into my chair is to wash and fill up my bottles in the pantry.

845am – 6.25am: I settle down on my desk and starts typing away. Mondays are reporting days and I usually spend the whole morning buried in my laptop. Occasionally throughout the day, I shuttle between meetings rooms around the office with my essentials. I walk around the office quite a fair bit because the meeting rooms can be a few levels away!

625pm: I noticed the office is getting quieter and quite a lot of people have left. I don’t leave on the dot on most days. I try to clear out the important stuff and ensure that I am ready to leave for the day before I actually do. It’s a monday today so I decided to head home earlier and rest from the restless night before.

635pm: I battle the peak hour (human) traffic and heads home. I continue working on my craft on the trains or catch up with friends over whatsapp. The journey home is longer because I don’t get a lift from the husband from the train station. I spend an additional 15-20 mins taking the lrt and walking home thereafter.

745pm: I get home flushed, wash up, and take a breather. This is my short window of me-time where I get to do whatever I like. Only happens on the days I get home earlier than the boys. Chores, work out, take a nap, blog, work on my crafts, read a book… Today, I choose to work on my craft. Excited to see my totoro take shape.
At the same time, I online shopped for some missing materials that I needed for the amigurumis that I plan to make.

845pm: The doorbell rings and the boys are home! I stop what I am doing and opens the door. Both kids usually dash into the house to greet me in excited tones. I give them both a huge hug and plant kisses on their faces. It’s a routine that I have grown accustomed to. When I get home later than the boys, none of that happens though. They usually would be engrossed in their playtime and sometimes, ignore me. They’ll shout mummy if they notice that I am home.

The boys enter, remove their shoes (and occasionally keep them in the cupboard), dashes into their playroom and grabs the toys they want to play. In the past, we open up the playroom for free play, but the packing and sorting is very much a chore to tackle with. These days, the boys get to pick 1 type of toy (transformers, lego, cooking set etc) and they bring out the box and play in the living room. I won’t switch on the tv unless I absolutely have to. If the tv is on, the toys are taken away. They can only do 1 activity at any one time.
While the kids busy themselves, the husband and I warm up our dinner and sit down to catch up on our day. Dinner is home cooked meals by my mum. The husband fetches our dinner and the kids everyday to ease me from the chores of cooking. Especially the nights where I step out of office very late and he dies of hunger while waiting for me to get home so my mum offered to cook.

Dinner is often interrupted by the kids! They like to steal our food while we eat, and Jerome particularly likes to climb up on the bench, sit on me and demands food to be fed into his mouth. In between our munches, we will be asked to fix toys as well.

When dinner’s done, we wash up and relax. We usually hang around the living room, interacting with the kids. I cut up some apples and everyone takes some.

The husband suddenly discovers that 5 of our tetras went missing in the tank! Bizarre, but we suspect that it might be the tiger barbs we introduced a week ago. Or is it those algae eaters that we bought to clean up the tank? How strange! I thought the fishes were harmonious for the past 7 days. I keep staring at our tiny tank and shining a torchlight into the nooks in the aquarium, hoping they are hiding somewhere. No luck.
The kids join in the fun with the torchlight while I mourned the loss of my little fishes. They have been with me since day 1 when we got ourself the tank and I still cannot believe they all went missing and died on the same afternoon.

We play with the kids. If they are playing transformers, we ask them to transform. If it is a cooking set, I am often forced to eat/drink imaginary food. Sometimes, we play card games or build things with lego. Today is Transformers day and I can’t do much since I don’t know how to transform the more complicated ones and decided to work on my Totoro and finish it up while papa entertains the kids. I hang around in very close proximity on the sofa.

10.45pm: We shoo the boys into the bedroom, changes them into pyjamas and get ready for bed. Today, the kids want a story book to be read. I am still coughing badly and I cannot read a proper sentence without breaking into a coughing fits. The husband takes over the reading.

11.15pm: We remove the books, and off the lights. The boys climb around the in dark and refuses to sleep. They are somewhat very active today! I curse silently under my breath hoping that they would just knock out and sleep because I am so ready to K.O myself.
12.05am: The last kid finally drifts off to sleep. The husband has long since lost the battle to the darkness. I check my phone for my next day’s calendar events, set the alarm and close my eyes for the day ready to sleep.
7am: Rinse and repeat.
I think my days are pretty mundane. I don’t have much free time to do much stuff during the weekdays. Does your day sounds anything like mine? Do share! I would love to hear about it! I previously also blogged about being a ftwm and tips on survival, a wednesday in snapshots in 2013 and for mummies-to-be or the new mummies, my day during confinement if you are keen to find out!
This post is part of the Day in a Life blog train hosted by Mum in the Making. Take a 24-hour peek in the lives of other mummies by clicking on the button below!
Up next is Shermeen from Meeningfully. A full time working mother to a boisterious 3 year old boy, Shermeen loves the weekends best as she is able to spend lots of quality time with the two men in her life. Join her on her blog to see what she gets up to during the weekends!

Cherie! I love reading (or very much kaypo-ing) Your daily routine. Very different from mine. But I must say your hubby and you are a great team! He is one of the most hands-on hubbies I’ve seen. I salute FTWM, really. Not easy at all to look after family and handle working life outside too. Despite all these, you still look great!! Same like poly time.
Hi Jenny!
Lol. My husband wasn’t like this when we first had a kid. It took him about 3 years to achieve what it is today actually. Partly because I always drill down on him that he cannot depend on me. I might just die anytime and he needs to be able to handle the kids on his own, and I slowly teach him how to handle certain things. Now that we stay away from my parents/parents-in-law, he really have no choice and I refuse to help when I think he needs to learn. I guess it is also about understanding each other and working together as a team! I really am quite thankful for him!
You are pretty amazing too! You run a business on your own on top of looking after the kids right?
That sounds like a very packed and fulfilling day. Lots are being done
Hi Fides,
I guess it is, but everyday is of similar to this as a full-time working mum.
Thanks for reading!
That shoe cabinet is a dream! I always admire how working mums juggle family and work, and I love how you use your transit time to craft. Sorry to hear about the tetras… it shouldn’t be the algae eaters cos those are peaceful fish, keep an eye on the barbs cos they are big bullies!
Thanks for hopping on and sharing your day!
your day certainly is packed, but looks very very productive! I think I am long drained of energy with half the amount done!
but yes, I totally relate to the part where you’re waiting for them to sleep cos you wanna do so yourself (L is a late sleeper too..). you’re doing great!