• Daiso 101 – 15 Useful Things from Daiso and what I do with them.

    I confess, I am a Daiso-holic. And I know there are a lot of you out there who are the same, and maybe some of you choose to be closet ones, but still… I know a lot cannot resist the lure of stepping in and just browsing around, right? Com’on, there is no shame. We are all just super good at saving money and buying useful things at a fraction of their price sometimes. Other times, it’s for convenience sake!  😛 I… (much to the horror of my husband) often lug huge bags home from Daiso. My husband has a phobia each time I go near a store, but he doesn’t really…

  • Small Spaces: Play areas for the boys

    This post is part of a Small Spaces Blog Train and I will be sharing about our living spaces catered for our kids. Take a peek at what fun means in those spaces, as well as some tips on how I get all those toys organised for the boys. Well, before I get into the small spaces catered for my kids, I got to give a little introduction to my other half. You see, he’s pretty anal. He’s interior design trained, but a ladies shoe design/R&D person by profession and his life revolves around a lot of symmetry and accuracy. When we were planning for the renovation of our place,…

  • My Day in a Life Post – It’s Monday!

    Happy Monday! Today, I am going to share with you a snapshot of my entire day from morning till dawn, down to the minute details so you can too, can be a part of my very real everyday life. This particular day that I am recording here is last Monday, 20 April 2015. So enjoy! 6.45am: The alarm clock rings and I hit the snooze button. Today, I am feeling very tired because I slept at 2am the night before, doing chores around the house putting away mess while the boys are asleep. I snuggle close to Jerome (he sleeps between the husband and me) and take in his smell…

  • A Blog Train

    Last week, I got tagged by my long time blogger friend, Wenmei (one of the first few people I know online!) and I am supposed to answer 4 questions. I haven’t done something so spontaneous in a while. I thought it is quite fun to do something totally random so here goes! 1. What am I working on? Hmmm. Tough. I am currently working on being a good mum, a good juggler (between work, life, kids, husband, chores and friends), and trying to maintain a blog amidst all that. I don’t normally talk about my work here, so the other thing that I really do spend an effort on is the blog.…

  • Surviving as a FTWM.

    it’s 23.46pm right now and I’m on board a cab. On the way home from the office. I spent the entire night clearing out as much work as I can today because I’m jetting off tomorrow, and tomorrow’s schedule at work is horrid. I only have 30 mins to spend at my desk for the entire day, and would be shuttling in and out of meetings non stop. I reckon I won’t get any work done tmr and want to clear them all out as best as I can before i can go home and pack for my trip tomorrow. I have a donut in my bag, meant for my…

  • suntan jaundice baby

    “Why i breastfeed for..” blog train – My other breastfeeding story

    Sorry for the silence on the blog these couple of days. Have been putting in longer hours at work for the week and trying my best to be super mom at the same time so blogging takes a back seat, but i still love all of you so i’m back with another post today!  Decided to take the opportunity to blog about my other breastfeeding story since the blog train is gonna end in just a few days. The breastfeeding story of my 2nd born – Jerome (birth story here). In case, you haven’t read my first breastfeeding story, do pop over so you’ll better know the context of this story. With…

  • Why I Breastfed for…. 13 months (Part of a Breastfeeding blog train series)

    Today, I am going to share my breastfeeding story, particularly, my first breastfeeding experience with my first born. I don’t believe I have ever shared it previously (read my previous breastfeeding related posts here), because I didn’t really have it easy, and its pretty much a raw, sensitive story that right up to this point where i’m drafting this post… I don’t know where to begin. Like all new mums, i read up a lot about breastfeeding prior to giving birth. I faithfully attended antenatal classes, and so ready to embrace the breastfeeding journey.. and all I did, was…breast(milk)feeding. Through a bottle. I know right. Maybe i am not even qualified to…