• joke of the day..

    a new week unfolds.. and i was rather surprised by many. my handphone was “meh-ing” away the whole time in the office today. for those who didnt know, my sms tone was that of a goat “meh-ing” and it goes.. “meh… meh… meh.. meh..” and the smses freaked me out. the first one came, then another, and another.. mostly contain the same message said in different ways.. from my primary school friend.. my ex colleague.. my poly school mates.. my uni classmate. and some people that im not very close to. and im pretty sure all these people don’t know each other. all of them wished me happy birthday. the…

  • silly silly me!!

    a tribute to the silly me, i’ve decided to post more silly things i that i did last nite. upon realising that my hp is not working, i changed my msn nick. it read: cherie in sucking mood (my hp is spoilt!!) yes. a total unexpected blunder of my part if u realise what u are reading. in the midst of my fury and angst i actually typed sucking instead of sucky. the best part was i didnt realise it until a naughty male friend of mine send me a msg on msn in the wee hours of the night. fren: eh, your nick hor.. me: what? fren: next time…