Lesson learnt.
Never ever leave any personal documents or pictures in other people’s laptop, even if it’s your own husband. Must delete everything.
Well, I haven’t been meddling with photoshop for a long time since my netbook came along 2 years ago. The netbook fast became the light thing to lug around and my laptop kinda became obsolete. I subsequently found it too slow and frustrating to use! Just yesterday, I borrowed my husband MacBook pro to crop and edit a picture for some travel documents and left the file on his desktop and guess what I found him doing couple of hours later?!
Very nice. (%*+~!|*~%\*|$@”#)
And he renamed the file dorae-hui. What?! sister of doraemon issit?
But guess what? I actually thought his mischief is quite funny and got him to send me the picture.
Heh. Yeah, I still love him. (but will find my chance to revenge some day).
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
….sorry but it cracked me up.. sigh hubby is such a monkey…
yeah.. when i caught him doing it, i was rather pissed, but looking at the picture, its quite hilarious actually.
Hee funny! And that’s how you keep each other entertained/amused in marriage! haha…
i can’t believe that he’s doing this to me when i usually help photoshop his pimples away for him and smoothen his complexion so that he looks BETTER.
must.find.a.way.to.repay.him.somehow. *plans evil plot*
hahha. i guess you are right. it’s what keeps us going!
hahha. it cracks me up enough to be willing to post it here.
think he’ll be mighty pleased to read all these positive comments!