• My Homemade Mee Hoon Kueh.

    I haven’t done a food post in a long, long while! I spent the weekend was cooking at home so I thought, why not share it? I don’t cook very often. The hubby much prefers to eat out because it is a lot faster and fuss free. He doesn’t get a tired wife or a dirty kitchen that needs cleaning thereafter so it is perfect for the OCD him. I honestly prefer home-cooked, healthy meals so I try to cook whenever I can. So, presenting my (self proclaimed) awesome mee hoon kueh! Looks yummy anot? It is actually a really simple dish to cook, but prepping it takes a bit of…

  • Greenfields Fresh Milk is honest fresh milk

    Honest Fresh Milk is Greenfields Fresh Milk.

    * sponsored post for Greenfields Fresh Milk * Milk, is a topic that I am passionate about, because I am a breastfeeding mum and have to milk myself a few times a day (heh, sorry too much info!). You can be sure that I am, therefore, obsessed with freshness, the handling, the exposure (to bacteria), and storage of milk because I only want the baby to consume the freshest of all milk to the best of my ability. And I love drinking milk! Did I ever mention that I am a milk lover? I always have milk in my fridge and drink them all the time. In fact, I’m a…

  • microwave chicken.

    with the impending move to our own house, the one thing i will miss is my mum’s cooking. so, i am going to start noting down her simple to prepare and fuss free recipes here! i learnt the steps in my growing up years, but seriously, when my mum stopped working.. i have been rather pampered because who needs to cook when my mum is home to cook everyday? so i needed a refresher. I also made der learn with my mum earlier so this is also for his future reference. he’s a total noob in cooking (ok, except instant noodles and eggs), but i must applaud his seriousness tonight.…