• good morning!

    babies are such smiley things! they start each day with a smile.. funny how I thought I should learn that and embrace each day with a smile.  how often do we open our eyes each day and.. frowns.. groans.. yawns and wish we could stay in bed longer. haha. I’m guilty as charged.   meanwhile, I loving his funny expressions while tottering around the room! its sucha headache. what should I eat this morning? I think I’m having a bad hair day. we are waiting for him to finish his usual milk feed so that we can go for breakfast and start our touristy day. Posted via LiveJournal app for…

  • taking his weight.

    jerry got plonked on the weighing machine at ny grandpa’s house in msia. the weighing scale is meant to weight fruits for sale. I plonked him there and he was quite happy to be so ‘tall’.   meanwhile, the scales say he is weighing 8.8kg.   this is my favourite picture yesterday. Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

  • up to some mischief.

    this morning, he woke up, jumped on the bed, and went…’neh neh! neh neh! neh neh!’ while pointing at the empty bottle from the night before.    and then when I yawned and covered my mouth, he imitated me, with the full sound effects, action and all!   right now, he’s snatching the mop from my mum so that he can mop the floor.   scaling new heights with his toy story car.. sigh. I cant keep.up.with him! super active. Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

  • hello?

    yes. its true. I got into an car accident this morning. I wasn’t paying attention and my car my husband’s car kissed someone’s arse. I meant the bumper. its wasn’t really very bad. the van I bumped suffer some minor scratches. my car plate got smashed into a million pieces and the front fascia is also smashed.   boo. its my second accident into two months.   I think the sleep deprivation is a major contributor. I am feeling really really bummed bumped.   the good news is… I’m alive and not injured at all (my wallet is though) so I guess that’s all it matters.   明天我还是一条好汉 (loosely translated…

  • my day.

    started at 4am. I jumped out of bed, hearing the toilet door slide open! all that greeted me was a cheeky baby that has climb out of his bed and headed for the toilet to have some water play (gunning for the toilet bowl). lucky for me that I am generally a light sleeper so I jumped out in time before he even got to it.   I nebulised him and gave him his medication and jumped back for a quick nap when my mum woke at 6am.. my happy baby in the morning. with a sweet and a wrapper. no. he isn’t allowed to eat but he knows its…

  • one of those awwwwww…moment.

    have been working late all week and some days, I come home to find everyone asleep. one of those days, this was the sight that greeted me. if you look carefully, Jerry was laughing in his sleep when I snapped the picture. opportune moment. when i asked the husband the next day, he say Jerry was hugging the bigger pig so he just placed the tiny one in front of the other  and fell asleep after.. the husband is also almost falling off the bed. I have loads to say, but I need to go chase after jerry.  he climbing,  running all over.. Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

  • my boys..

    and their afternoon nap.. loving this sight!   I took a second glance and burst out in laughter.. do you see what I see? the 2 boys in my life, each hugging a toy of mine, according to their sizes.   Der was hugging silly, while jerry was hugging x.silly.   I swear this wasn’t staged! it brought a huge grin to my face. happiness at the simplest things.   now, I’m not sure what would be der’s reaction when he finds out I posted his sleeping pictures here.  heh.   Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

  • child labour..

    i have got a new cup holder! he diligently carried it for the longest time and refused to let go. guess who burst into tears when my mum took the empty can and threw it into the bin?   Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

  • fun with balloons

    here's what you do when you still have half a tank of helium after a birthday party.. blow up a bunch of plastic bags and tie them with a string like they are kites. I had loads of fun playing after the kiddo went to bed, with my mum, my aunt and hubby as accomplices. just because were wanted to deplete the tank. after all, it's paid for so why waste? here me with some of the balloons. and my living room ceiling filled with them. and yup. I actually love helium balloons. I would be really happy if someone gift me with a huge bunch of balloons! I think…