1 week old.
Jerome turns a week old yesterday. the past 1 week has been rather hectic and an emotional roller coaster ride. as parents, der & me have been estatic at the arrival of the baby. daddy, as before, is very smitten by his newborn and stayed glued to baby ever since he popped out. I had a terrible first night stay at the hospital in a double-bedded ward, whuch also meant i didnt have the husband with me. the couple beside me was rather inconsiderate, chatting non stop past midnight and the husband only left at 1.30am. they also shut their bed lights and switched on the main lights…
birth story of jerome
this post would have been a week 38 update of the pregnancy, but it will be about Jerome’s birth story instead. and a drama one maybe. 23 Jan (Wednesday)my gynae visit was due. it’s been a week since I bumped into the sharp edge of the table in the office and was told I would deliver within the next 7 days. it was the 7th day and the predicted delivery didn’t happen (at least not yet) but I was having contractions more frequently than ever, coupled with this dull cramp in the lower abdomen that I never had before. it was a busy week for der and…
week 37!
couple of days ago, i had an ‘accident’ at work. I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings and wasn’t watching where I was going. the next thing I knew, I felt a super sharp pain in my lower abdomen and I let out a scream. there was a loud bang/crash and a lot of my colleagues stood up from their seats to see what happened and started fussing over me. well.. I banged my stomach into a sharp edge of a table in the office that was placed there temporarily and I couldn’t.stand.up. thereafter. when I finally did.. tears flowed down my face involuntarily while I struggled to…
at week 36 and day 4.
it’s getting unbearable. the pelvic pains are setting in, I feel extremely heavy and am waddling when I walk. does not help that the contractions are also happening so frequently together with the sciatica pains shooting down my legs. my tail bone hurts big time when I sit at my work desk for a tad too long and I still have to deal with urine incontinence with the baby pressing down my bladder. argh. pregnancy woes. and sleep. I haven’t slept well for a while, and recently, I keep getting cramps in my right leg (the same leg that I had a surgery some years back) so I’m…
welcoming 2013!
we kicked off the start of the new year with an adventure! have been wanting to expose Jerry to more outdoor activities and our mother nature so we took opportunity of the public holiday on 1 Jan and popped to pulau ubin! I originally wanted to head towards macritchie but found out that my cousin’s family is popping over to ubin so I joined them instead! first time on a bumper boat enroute to the island. he’s quite freaked out by the engine noise and crawled into my arms. when he finally got over his fear.. stepping foot on the island! a family shot! daddy can’t open his eyes in…
at week 34
ultrasound at wk32+. the ultrasound scan hasn’t been showing much for the past few months because the baby’s head is down so there hasn’t been anything interesting to show. I have started to notice that my face is getting rounder by the day, mostly evident in the photos of me. it has also been rather depressing since I am down to very limited pieces of clothing to rotate since I have outgrown quite a bit of them and they are simply too tight to be even comfortable at all..because of that, I have been rather reluctant to step out of the house or feel auntish whenever I head out.…
Christmas game : angels and mortals
each year, as Christmas approaches.. a small group of my colleagues will gather to play this game. its actually a secret Santa game but we call our version angels and mortals. rules of the game – we set aside a budget, draw lots to determine everyone’s mortal (together with 3 items on their wish list based on the budget) and then for weeks leading up to Christmas, the angel has to secretly do nice things for the mortal. everybody keeps their mortal a secret from each other while others throw out decoys and claim credit for the stuff they didn’t do. on the day of exchange, we usually…
Christmas is coming!
which, would also signal the end of another year. gosh. I want to ask where all that time has gone to but I know I spent most of it slogging away on ny work desk. in the same note, with Der being away in China for a week, me being heavily pregnant with the delivery date just weeks away, and having to juggle work (everyone is clearing leave except me) and caring for jerry.. I have been extremely tired. add the stress of prepping for the festive season and getting everyone’s present ready.. imma is very very sleep deprived so this blog is near its death I think. and…
jerry is 19 months!
I have been tardy on this space! with the pregnancy moving into the third tri (hello week 30!), work, the demise of 2 family members recently (all within a week) and a hyper toddler, my hands have been pretty full. and before I know it.. my boy turned 19 months today. the most significant part was that he lost all his babiness while I werent looking! I looked through the pictures in the past 3 months and its like.. he suddenly transformed. I kinda miss the round chubby cheeks that he used to spot in the pictures above. he now looks and acts like a little adult, so I…
depressing times and the touching eulogy.
in a span of 1 week, i received 2 news of family members passing away. first, it was my grand father in law and it was difficult that the husband wasn’t around at all, the bub was being kept out cos he is too young. i managed to get through it all, gritting my teeth and kept telling myself it will be over soon while my mum was busy with hospital visits on my grandma. and on the day i got back to work and trying to recover from it all, my grandma left that very night. i remembered how i was lying in bed thankful to have survive it…