• of a bad headache and manicure.

    i had a super bad headache this afternoon. the house was noisy with all that TV noise from the living room. I wanted to get some peace so i walked out to the corridor for some fresh air and peace, only to realise that the neighbours are blasting their tv louder than my mum. squatting by the stairways for some 10 mins, the pain didnt go away and i got irritated even more because some neighbour was blasting some loud music. in frustration, i got changed and headed out for a walk. yes. even when the weather’s so hot. i needed some peace to fight the headache and because the…

  • the unbearable heat

    the weather is so hot, i hear people around me complaining of headaches… well, i’m not one of those exceptions because after 3 mins in the heat.. i can feel a headache looming. i hate it when my clothes stick to me because it’s so hot and you feel so sticky. its uncomfortable and makes it hard to move around since it sticks. the best thing during this type of weather is a cold bath the moment you step home. but guess what? when i took a black tee from the cupboard to put on, the tee is warm! it was like putting a warm blanket over my cold skin.…

  • gloomy monday

    im suffering from a headache. mainly cos i slept really late last night and woke earlier than usual, and i came to work earlier. just 5 min late. that’s quite an achievement i think, hee… but but, it’s annoying when i kena suan first thing in the morning when i reach my desk. sometimes, i would appreciate if you could just shut up and mind your own business. i dont need you to supervise over me alright? and then the horror.. my desk is in a MESS! paper chits everywhere.. with a kid’s drawings.. a tiny package which is later revealed as 2 little erasers, prob to make up for…